First off id like to say that this site is fast until i decide to type something. then it types it all slow like. and theres no forum thread for this… so i decided to put it here. Move it if youd like.
I grew up hating my name. ive always hated it.
no matter how many times someone has said its pretty or whatever.
ive been wanting to change it for two years.
im only 21 so im not doing this for nothing.
[name_m]Ive[/name_m] tried just dealing with nicknames but the fact its even on my facebook and id bugs me.
and i barely even use facebook.
[name_m]Ive[/name_m] thought of a few names i like but no last names as of yet.
Ideas would be good.
These ones are my favorite
I also like [name_u]Remy[/name_u] but no last names seem to fit to it and ive been trying for two months.
I like charlie as well and its my favorite name ever but my sister named her dog that…
Yes im one of those few people who think certain names shouldnt be for just girls or boys.