Changing spelling to "match" sibling?

We have a 2.5 year old boy, whose name begins with Au. We’re expecting a baby girl and love A names. I’ve recently started liking the idea of baby girl’s name starting with Au as well. We love the name [name_f]Oriana[/name_f], but are considering changing the spelling to Auriana to match the “Au” thing. Any opinions on this? I feel like it doesn’t change the pronunciation but does it seem strange that it isn’t the traditional spelling? We also like [name_f]Aurelia[/name_f].

Thoughts on the two names, spelling? Any other baby girl Au names you love?

I think the spelling Auriana would work. I would say it more like “Aw-ree-ah-na” vs “Oh-ree-ah-na” though.

I know someone with a daughter called [name_f]Aubrielle[/name_f], which is think is familiar enough but still pretty and flowery like Auriana is.

Other “Au” ideas:


I think the Auriana spelling is fine, and as pretty as [name_f]Oriana[/name_f], but I don’t like that it makes them match, so for me, that would make me choose [name_f]Oriana[/name_f].

I would prefer not to match names unless that is the traditional spelling of each name. I like having the same style of name for siblings but not matchy as they are individuals. I love [name_f]Aurelia[/name_f] and [name_f]Orianna[/name_f]!

If there’s a chance you will have more children, will you feel obligated to have their names start with Au? You may not want to paint yourself into a corner.

[name_f]Oriana[/name_f] looks better. Sibling names do not need to match.

Auriana is okay and a good idea if you want her to match her brother, but I prefer the traditional spelling.

I prefer [name_f]Aurora[/name_f] to [name_f]Aurelia[/name_f]. [name_m]How[/name_m] about [name_f]Autumn[/name_f] or [name_f]Audrey[/name_f]?

Also, if you were to have any more children in the future, would you feel pressured to keep the theme going? Because there aren’t that many choices when it comes to Au names!

Best of luck!

[name_f]IMO[/name_f], I’m not a fan of sibling names that are too ‘matchy’. It could really back you into a corner if you end up having a third child and couldn’t find any other Au names you like. I also much prefer [name_f]Oriana[/name_f] spelled with an O. But that being said, there are other ways to match names that aren’t so obvious, like by meaning or origin. Good luck!

[name_f]Aurelia[/name_f] sounds great but I think I prefer [name_f]Oriana[/name_f], and I think you can totally use the Auriana spelling, it looks beautiful!

Other Au names I can think of are [name_f]Audrey[/name_f], [name_u]Aubrey[/name_u], [name_f]Audriana[/name_f], [name_u]Auburn[/name_u], [name_f]Aurora[/name_f], [name_f]Autumn[/name_f] and Audelia.

I wouldn’t do it; I think the closer children’s names are the less they feel like individuals but as if you only think about them as a union. Why doesn’t have one child the right to their own, correctly spelled name when the other one did?!

Honestly, I find it odd when childrens names are matchy. Also I would pronounce Auriana and [name_f]Oriana[/name_f] differently.

I’m not a fan of children’s names matching, but esp think it’s a probelm if you have to use a creative spelling to get there.

Matching initial sounds can also get confusing, though, but if that’s the way you choose to go, I would go with [name_f]Oriana[/name_f]. Auriana seems too forced.

Initials are so useful, each child should have his or her own. When I put an initial on a paper cup, even a young child can pick out their own, the letter that stands for them!

The Duggars on “19 Kids and Counting” have come up with 19 “J” names. The kids very much appear part of a set. We have a local family with [name_f]Susan[/name_f], [name_m]Steven[/name_m], [name_f]Sally[/name_f] and [name_m]Scott[/name_m] and another with [name_m]Dennis[/name_m], [name_f]Debra[/name_f] and [name_f]Deniece[/name_f]. [name_m]How[/name_m] do you feel about [name_m]Tommy[/name_m], [name_f]Tammy[/name_f] and [name_m]Timmy[/name_m] as a sibset? Or [name_u]Jean[/name_u], [name_u]Joan[/name_u] and [name_f]Jane[/name_f]? These are real families. Is this what you’re going for?
Would you want to be a member of one of these sibsets?

Thanks for all the replies! Definitely hearing most of you say not to match the Au thing. Although, to answer a few people, this is our last baby so continuing the trend isn’t a concern.

Moving on from Auriana then, any other opinions on [name_f]Oriana[/name_f] vs [name_f]Aurelia[/name_f]? I’m not sure I’m totally in love with either but they’re the only ones we’ve agreed on so far, and baby will be here soon!

Any other suggestions?
I also liked [name_f]Lavinia[/name_f], [name_f]Cora[/name_f], [name_f]Millie[/name_f] and [name_f]Una[/name_f] but the last two were firmly vetoed.