
[name]Just[/name] looking for reactions to this name. [name]Love[/name] it or hate it? It is not on any of the top anything lists.

Sorry but I’m not a fan. For me, [name]Charlton[/name] is still very much associated with the late actor [name]Charlton[/name] Heston. It makes me think of guns, [name]Moses[/name] and [name]Ben[/name] Hur. [name]Charleston[/name] seems a little more hip. I don’t mind [name]Charles[/name] either.

I didn’t think of [name]Charlton[/name] Heston to begin with, but I do see the reference now. I thought of [name]Charleston[/name] Chew, the candy, even though it isn’t quite the same. Would the nn. be [name]Charlie[/name]? It’s alright. Guess it depends on the flow with your last name, and the middle you pick out. I neither love it nor hate it. It might grow on me…


I guess it depends on weather one likes the actor [name]Charlton[/name] Heston or not. He is the only person that comes to mind when one hears the name since it is so rare. I have never heard of anyone else with the name. However I do like the sound of it and I wonder in 20 years will anyone remember who he was anyway especially in my son’s peer group.

First up [name]Charlton[/name] Heston was amazing a great person to think of when you think of [name]Charlton[/name].

I find [name]Charlton[/name] a great alternative to [name]Charles[/name] especially if your naming style is not classical eg [name]Charles[/name] and [name]William[/name] are the classic choices. [name]Charlton[/name] and [name]Denzel[/name], or [name]Charlton[/name] and [name]Elliott[/name] or [name]Charlton[/name] and [name]Reid[/name] work better and love the nn of [name]Charlie[/name]
