Childrens Books

Was researching books for children and came across these, what do you think? Can you think of any quirky names from books or authors?

[name]Stella[/name] [name]Luna[/name] (which coincidentally actress [name]Ellen[/name] Pompeii named her daughter, it’s a book about a bat, strange as it sounds)
[name]Heidi[/name] (about a girl who lives in the Alps)
Amazing [name]Grace[/name]
[name]Basil[/name] of [name]Baker[/name] [name]Street[/name]
[name]Wilfrid[/name] [name]Gordon[/name] [name]McDonald[/name] Partridge (there’s a mouthful)
Tough [name]Boris[/name]
Curious [name]George[/name] (really liking this name lately)
[name]Alexander[/name] the terrible
[name]Lilly[/name]'s Purple Plastic Purse (love [name]Lilly[/name])
[name]Amelia[/name] [name]Bedelia[/name]
[name]Clifford[/name], the Big [name]Red[/name] Dog
[name]Charlotte[/name]'s [name]Web[/name]
[name]Bridge[/name] to Terabithia (the new [name]Tabitha[/name]?)
[name]Shiloh[/name] (actually a story about a dog, wonder if Brangelina know of this ha)
[name]Sarah[/name], Plain and Tall
[name]James[/name] and the Giant Peach
[name]Stone[/name] [name]Fox[/name]
[name]Ramona[/name] [name]Quimby[/name]
[name]Anne[/name] of [name]Green[/name] Gables
[name]Harriet[/name] the Spy
[name]Stuart[/name] [name]Little[/name]
Where the [name]Red[/name] [name]Fern[/name] Grows
[name]Chester[/name]'s [name]Way[/name]
The Adventures of [name]Isabel[/name]
[name]Yolonda[/name]'s Genius
[name]Alice[/name]'s Adventures in Wonderland
Adventures of [name]Huckleberry[/name] [name]Finn[/name]
The Adventures of [name]Tom[/name] [name]Sawyer[/name]
[name]Aesop[/name]'s Fables
The [name]Coral[/name] Island
[name]Gulliver[/name]'s Travels
[name]King[/name] [name]Solomon[/name]'s Mines
[name]Lorna[/name] [name]Doone[/name]
Nights with Uncle [name]Remus[/name]
[name]Peter[/name] [name]Pan[/name]
[name]Rebecca[/name] of Sunnybrook Farm
[name]Arabel[/name] and [name]Mortimer[/name]
Haunting of [name]Cassie[/name] [name]Palmer[/name]
Cracker [name]Jackson[/name]
Understood [name]Betsy[/name]

Also some authors names too
[name]Roald[/name] Dahl
[name]Enid[/name] Blyton
[name]Louisa[/name] [name]May[/name] [name]Alcott[/name]
[name]Douglas[/name] [name]Adams[/name]
[name]Verna[/name] Aardema
[name]Vivien[/name] Alcock
[name]Lloyd[/name] [name]Alexander[/name]
[name]Ruskin[/name] [name]Bond[/name]
[name]Betsy[/name] Byars
[name]Meg[/name] [name]Cabot[/name]
[name]Dorothy[/name] Canfield [name]Fisher[/name]
[name]Lewis[/name] [name]Carroll[/name]

Dr. Suess had a real name of [name]Theodor[/name] Suess Geisl- all of my children love(d) his books!!!

The Bobbsey Twins mystery series was one of my favorites as a child. They were written by [name]Laura[/name] [name]Lee[/name] [name]Hope[/name] and the four children who were two sets of twin siblings were [name]Flossie[/name] and [name]Freddie[/name] and [name]Bert[/name] and [name]Nan[/name].

My children also enjoyed the [name]Bailey[/name] School Kids series which were written by three different authors. They also liked the Goosebumps and Animorphs books.

The Boxcar Children mysteries were another favorite of mine and my children. They were originally written by [name]Gertrude[/name] [name]Chandler[/name] [name]Warner[/name] and the children who were orphans were [name]Henry[/name], [name]Jessie[/name], [name]Violet[/name], and [name]Benny[/name].

I loved the [name]Enid[/name] Blyton books as a child. I lived in england for four years when my dad was stationed overseas with the military. I especially loved her “five” mystery series. The children were [name]Julian[/name], [name]Dick[/name], [name]Annie[/name], [name]Georgina[/name] nned [name]George[/name], and [name]Timmy[/name] the Dog.

I also loved the hardy Boys series and the [name]Nancy[/name] [name]Drew[/name] mystery series.

Can you tell I loved mysteries then. I still do. i love [name]Sue[/name] [name]Grafton[/name] and [name]Deborah[/name] Crombie now. :slight_smile:

My hands-down favorite childrens’ when I was little was “[name]Mike[/name] [name]Mulligan[/name] and his Steam Shovel”. [name]Mike[/name] as a first name is not likely to be fashionable anytime soon, but [name]Mulligan[/name] has some style currency. I loved some of the books mentioned above.

I don’t know if I can really add too much more here. What a great list! I love the name [name]Ramona[/name] and have even thought of using [name]Quimby[/name] or [name]Quinby[/name] as a mn.

“[name]Bridge[/name] to Terabithia (the new [name]Tabitha[/name]?)” I was wondering the same thing myself.

[name]Roald[/name] Dahl has written so many great childrens books I’m surprised his first or last name hasn’t been used. Well maybe it has but I think it would be great.