There seems to be a recent trend in naming dogs people names (i am not sure if i should comment as our own puppy has a people name though it is rare.) i love the names lily, sadie, maisy, toby, and milo but in our neighborhood there are dogs of each of these names. Should this be a concern when naming a child?? i mean while i like the name i meet more daisy’s that are dogs then are little girls. These cute kind of comfy names seemed to have been transfered from children to dogs. Should i even take this into consideration when naming my babies.
Our dogs have always had people names. My first dog was [name]Sam[/name], then [name]Simon[/name], [name]Casey[/name], [name]Ozzie[/name], [name]Emma[/name], [name]Sammy[/name], [name]Tess[/name] and [name]Rocky[/name].
My theory is that unless they’re your dog or immediate family/best friends, don’t worry about it and name your kids what you like!
I second Erinpurple, if it’s not yours or a dear family memeber’s pet, I’d use it myself. And I’m one with [name]Cosmo[/name], [name]Rufus[/name], [name]Bruno[/name], [name]Remy[/name] & [name]Barnaby[/name] in my top 5, so I definitely practice what I preach!
My dog’s name is [name]Macy[/name]. It’s unmistakably a dog name to me, but I’ve heard it on kids. I could never name my child [name]Macy[/name] but I think [name]Macie[/name] and [name]Maisie[/name] are cute for little girls.
I see this as a problem, too. When my husband and I were expecting our first child, he insisted that she be named after his mom, [name]Sandy[/name]. I had a dog named [name]Sandy[/name] growing up, so I couldn’t bear the thought. I tried coming up with different nicknames for [name]Sandra[/name], but he was adamant that our child would be called [name]Sandy[/name]. We ended up naming her [name]Cassandra[/name] with [name]Sandie[/name] as a nickname. The different spelling helped and I hardly even think of our pet anymore. My second daughter is named [name]Tasha[/name]. When whe moved into our new house, the previous owner’s pet kept coming back. (They had moved not to far away.) That dog was named [name]Tasha[/name]. I have decided to try not to give any future pets a people name!
Indeed, I had another thought on this. I love [name]Gigi[/name]. Really, I’d happily name a daughter [name]Georgiana[/name] or [name]Genevieve[/name] and nn her [name]Gigi[/name] but it was the name of his childhood poodle. sigh So [name]Gigi[/name]'s completely out. He’d think of the long gone dog everytime he said her name. That’s not cool in my book. Now, if [name]Gigi[/name] were a friend’s dog, who lived far away (not like next door or anything), that would be different.
I’m still mourning the loss of [name]Gigi[/name].
I think it depend on the name and popularity I knew a dogs named [name]Caitlin[/name], [name]John[/name] and [name]Angelina[/name] and it doesn’t change my view on the name, but others like [name]Buddy[/name], [name]Brandy[/name] and [name]Bailey[/name], [name]Daisy[/name] are so common on dogs. At one point both my next door neighbors had a dog named [name]Bailey[/name]
Yet [name]Daisy[/name] hasn’t been ruined for me like [name]Bailey[/name] has in my personal experience. And might consider it when naming a child.
[name]Just[/name] don’t worry about if others will think this is too much of a dog name, if you don’t then use it.