Chloe vs. Lily

See the results of this poll: Chloe vs Lily

Respondents: 26 (This poll is closed)

  • Chloe: 6 (23%)
  • Lily: 20 (77%)

just my opinion: i’ve always really disliked the name chloe and i’ve always loved lily

I vote [name]Lily[/name]! :slight_smile:

I really like both of those names a lot! [name]Lily[/name] is just prettier imo. Good luck

[name]Even[/name] though both are extremely popular, [name]Lily[/name] feels altogether more classic and timeless. I wouldn’t use it, but I actually really like [name]Lily[/name]! [name]Chloe[/name]'s not a bad name, but the [name]Khloe[/name]/Kloey/Cloee thing has kind of ruined it… I prefer [name]Daphne[/name].

Thats so funny. [name]Daphne[/name] uses to be at the top of my list for a very long time but a variety of factors have lessened the names appeal for me. [name]Chloe[/name] has been on my list for the last 10+ years. It would have been my sons name were he a girl. [name]Lilies[/name] have been my favorite flower forever. My wedding bouquet was whit lilies and red roses. Now I feel the same feeling about [name]Lily[/name] as I still feel about [name]Chloe[/name].

I like both names, but I do prefer [name]Lily[/name]!

[name]Both[/name] are lovely, but it’s another vote for [name]Lily[/name]. I also used to like [name]Clo[/name]”, but I personally feel it has become clich”d somehow. I agree with Irisrose, [name]Lily[/name] is more timeless, classic & more feminine.