Good [name]Evening[/name] Everyone!
I was just wondering what names you could get the nickname [name]Chrissy[/name] or Chryssy from. What comes to mind for me is [name]Christina[/name] and Chrysanthemum, but I probably wouldn’t use either name. Can you Berries help?
Thanks a bunch!
[name]Christiane[/name] (my fave)
[name]Christmas[/name] (strange but true)
Chrysantha - Greek
Chryseis - Greek
Crisiant - Welsh
Crystilis - Spanish
[name]Cressida[/name] (maybe)
hmmm some of these might be a bit out there but…
[name]Christiana[/name]* My favorite
[name]Carys[/name] (bit of a stretch though…)
Then if you don’t mind ‘k’ names…
I just have to say that my name is [name]Christina[/name] and up until I was in my late 20’s everyone called me [name]Chrissy[/name]. My family and longest friends still call me that and I can’t stand it. I always got the three’s company reference. I realize that no child today is going to know that reference. I know it’s cute for a baby but it might get too much for an 18 year old. Sorry to be so blunt but I had to tell you what a [name]Chrissy[/name] thought of being called [name]Chrissy[/name].
crista, I actually wasn’t looking to name a child [name]Chrissy[/name]/Chryssy. I’m only 15 at the moment and I’m sorry if I didn’t make that clear. I would have put this in the Writer’s Corner, but I don’t think that forum gets as much traffic as Girls’ Names. I’m actually writing a story about a girl named [name]Chrissy[/name] and I wanted a full name for her. But thanks for your input!
I’m so sorry! Write on.