So I was watching American Idol and a girl had the name [name]Christabel[/name]. Atfirst I wasn’t crazy about it, but now I’m not sure how I feel about it. What do you think?
I actually really like this name, but spelled [name]Christobel[/name]. I’m Jewish, though, so I can’t use it
I saw that too! I also said oh how cute!. I would spell it [name]Cristabel[/name].
I don’t love it but I’d still like to meet one. I prefer [name]Christiana[/name].
I don’t like it. There is a hockey goalie named [name]Cristobal[/name] Huet, and I always thought it was cheesy and sounds like crystal ball.
Christobal looks a lot like [name]Cristobal[/name], the Spanish version of [name]Christopher[/name]. I’d stay with [name]Christabel[/name] because it’s a legitimate English female name. It sounds more feminine, it’s found in medieval literature and Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote a poem titled “[name]Christabel[/name]” in 1800.
I actually knew a [name]Christabel[/name] at the Catholic girls high school I attended years ago. She was a bright and happy girl. Her older sister’s name was [name]Blossom[/name]. This name occurs in medieval literature and was used by [name]Samuel[/name] [name]Coleridge[/name] in his poem ‘[name]Christabel[/name]’. I first heard the name while reading about the British suffragette movement. [name]Emmeline[/name] Pankhurst and her daughter [name]Christabel[/name] were major players. I like the meaning “beautiful [name]Christian[/name]” but unless you’re a [name]Christian[/name], it would be a strange name to choose.
Thanks for the feedback! I am loving the name the more I think about it. (and I am a [name]Christian[/name] so the meaning is very nice!)