@charlieandperry1 - It’s nice to know that I wasn’t being a complete idiot and that it feels like a separate thing entirely to someone else too! It literally never occurred to me until I was talking about it with someone on here the other day, and I just wondered if Christianity was the first thing everyone thought of - apparently not, which is comforting. Thank you!
@alwaysben - Thank you (and isn’t it strange that [name_f]Faith[/name_f] and [name_f]Grace[/name_f], even in a sibset, didn’t feel religious to me either until you mentioned [name_f]Trinity[/name_f] as well?! I’m glad I have other people to point out these things…) Thanks again.
@jjayx - Thank you (and ooh, by the way, sending the [name_f]Eira[/name_f] love through the computer screen, she’s gorgeous)
@bonfireazalea - Thank you, [name_m]Fitzwilliam[/name_m] just sums up Mr [name_u]Darcy[/name_u] for me and I love him. (also, great admiration for your bravery in planning to use it as a first!) Ooh, that’s really interesting, I might do a quick googling of their full names and see if anything else pops out…
@kirstenlouise - Thank you, that’s exactly what I was thinking. I can imagine an older man named [name_u]Kit[/name_u], but then [name_m]Christian[/name_m] fits more people… Does that make sense?
@lua - Oh, [name_m]Christian[/name_m] [name_m]Bale[/name_m]. Now there’s another reason to go for [name_m]Christian[/name_m] Thank you!
@hardertobreathe - That’s such a lovely connection to [name_u]Christmas[/name_u], and not at all ‘in your face’ as connection names sometimes are. I hope he has a lovely birthday, and thank you.
@dramagrl19 - Thank you for voting!
@dantea - I would absolutely love that, if you were not too busy! I am quite set on [name_m]Christian[/name_m] as a fuller name (if I were to use one at all) for the family meaning etc. but would love to know some background about it, as most websites tend to state just “follower of [name_m]Christ[/name_m]” or “a [name_m]Christian[/name_m]” as the meaning, so a little history would be fantastic. Thank you so much!