Christmas Names?

So baby due at [name]Christmas[/name], using [name]Christmas[/name] names…cheesy or cute? I am leaning towards cheesy but I am a HUGE [name]Christmas[/name]/winter lover so part of me thinks it would be kind of nice to subtly have [name]Christmas[/name]/winter mentioned. Problem is, don’t think I can find any names I like. [name]Just[/name] wondering generally speaking do people think this a cheesy thing to do anyway? I don’t like names like [name]Noelle[/name], [name]Holly[/name], [name]Ivy[/name], etc…too obvious. I would likely lean more toward a middle name spot anyway. Probably won’t due it but just an idea…I’m due Dec 23rd.

[name]Princess[/name] [name]Alice[/name], the Duchess of Gloucester, and her niece by marriage, [name]Princess[/name] [name]Alexandra[/name], the Lady Ogilvy, both have the name [name]Christabel[/name] because they were born on [name]Christmas[/name] day. I think that’s a pretty cute tradition.

I also think that the name [name]Holly[/name] is cute on christmas babies, but that might be on the edge of being cheesy.

Ya, I think if the baby came [name]Christmas[/name] [name]Eve[/name] or [name]Christmas[/name] [name]Day[/name] then I’d almost feel I had to incorporate [name]Christmas[/name] some how! But not in an over the top way. [name]Holly[/name] is cute actually the more I think about it. I am liking [name]Beth[/name]/[name]Bethany[/name] as in Bethlehem. It’s subtle but still [name]Christmas[/name] related. For the record, I do not mean I would use the name Bethlehem haha just [name]Beth[/name] or [name]Bethany[/name].

My [name]Christmas[/name] baby, [name]Charlotte[/name] [name]Noelle[/name], was named after names that gave me that wintery feel. [name]Charlotte[/name] for some reason has always given me that fireplace during the winter feel. And [name]Noelle[/name] obviously sounds Christmasy. I would go with names that give you that Christmasy feel.

I don’t think it’s cheesey. My fave [name]Christmas[/name] name is [name]Natalie[/name]. [name]Noelle[/name] is a close 2nd.

I like [name]Noelle[/name] a lot but for some reason, [name]Noella[/name] is a very common name where I live in the french community. I never really liked [name]Noella[/name] much but I do find [name]Noelle[/name] prettier. [name]Natalie[/name] is also very pretty. I never knew it was a [name]Christmas[/name] name until I started googling [name]Christmas[/name] names! I never would’ve known

It’s cheesey imo, but a cute kind of cheesey, I think people come to expect you to give your baby a christmasy name if it was born near Christmas.

Some suggestions:
Mary/Marie/Maria - if your religious, otherwise prob not
Virginia - same as above
Angel/Angela/Angelique/Angelina - same as above
Gabriella - same as above
Gloria - same as above
Claire/Clara- Nutcracker
Snow - too obvious?
Nicole - Saint Nick/Santa
Carol - too obvious?
Clarice - female reindeer in Rudolph
Natala - born at Christmas
Natalii - born at Christmas
Scarlet - red is a Christmas color
Jovie - from the movie Elf
Cindy - The Grinch

[name]Winter[/name] [name]Gabrielle[/name]
[name]Holiday[/name] [name]Clarice[/name]

Those were the only ones I could think of. I hope that they aren’t too obvious to you!

I love [name]Clara[/name] from the nutcracker as I loooove ballet and Nutcracker is one of my faves. My husband didn’t like [name]Clara[/name] though. [name]Clarice[/name] is cute after the [name]Rudolph[/name] except that I also think [name]Silence[/name] of the Lambs ahha [name]Love[/name] [name]Gabrielle[/name]…it’s one of my top names if she’s born really close to [name]Christmas[/name]. Can’t use [name]Mary[/name] or any variation as my first daughter is already Mhairi (gaelic for [name]Mary[/name]).

[name]Lux[/name] (all of the lights)
[name]Ever[/name] (green)

Congratulations - I’m due [name]December[/name] 23rd as well. We’re getting close! :slight_smile:

[name]Do[/name] you like Welsh names? [name]Eira[/name] (snow), [name]Olwen[/name] (white footprint), and [name]Gwen[/name] (white, fair, blessed) all come to mind as lovely winter names. We actually considered [name]Olwen[/name] for a middle name for one of our picks, and may still end up using it. (I mentioned in another post that Susan would be our middle name after my husband’s mom, but we have one first name option that is a variation of Susan - this is the name we’d use a different middle name for.) I think these are more understated ways of recognizing the season without crossing over into “cheesy” territory.

I’m not brave enough to use it, but my husband loves the name [name]North[/name] (mentioned by PP), and I’ve been seeing it more and more lately…could be an option for a more daring soul than I am.

Best of luck to you in these last weeks!

P.S. [name]Clara[/name] is also beautiful - if my husband liked it, it would definitely be on my list!

I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Natalie[/name] for a girl born near/on [name]Christmas[/name]. :slight_smile: So classic and gorgeous.

I think names should have meaning, and if that meaning is related to the time of year a baby was born then there is nothing wrong with it. I wouldn’t consider it cheesy at all. The actual birth of a baby is a pretty meaningful event and definitely could be the inspiration for a name.

I think its a lovely idea, I don’t think its too cheesy at all :slight_smile:

I know three babies/grown women who were born around [name]Christmas[/name] - They are called [name]Holly[/name], [name]Carol[/name] and [name]Eve[/name] (She was born on [name]Christmas[/name] [name]Eve[/name]). I think their names are lovely when you know the meaning :slight_smile:

My mom and soon to be brother in law were born on [name]Christmas[/name] and they do not have [name]Christmas[/name] names. I know that my mom is very glad because though she likes [name]Christmas[/name] she was always ripped off with presents and never actually had her birthday separated from [name]Christmas[/name]. I understand that this might not apply to everyone born around [name]Christmas[/name] but, I really think strongly about this cause I grew up with a Mom who was always sad on her birthday because no one did anything special. I do special things now that I’m older and can actually surprise her without my dad’s help. I guess the best I can describe it is that because she was born that day no one ever gave her birthday gifts just [name]Christmas[/name] gifts and she never had a birthday party it was always a [name]Christmas[/name] themed party. So I wouldn’t use a [name]Christmas[/name] themed name since your baby’s birthday will always fall on/around [name]Christmas[/name] and will be associated enough with [name]Christmas[/name] as it is.

I’m a sucker for [name]Christmas[/name] names being a close-to-[name]Christmas[/name] baby myself (Dec. 20th)! I don’t have a [name]Christmas[/name] name but I’m in [name]LOVE[/name] with [name]Noelle[/name]. I think it’s so pretty. I’m leaning toward it as a middle name regardless of the time of year the baby’s born (assuming we have a girl). I think [name]Holly[/name] and [name]Bethany[/name] are nice too.
And please for the love don’t let cheap relatives get away with giving that kid one birthday/[name]Christmas[/name] gift!

[name]Natalie[/name] would be a nice, subtle [name]Christmas[/name] name!

I don’t celebrate [name]Christmas[/name], but i can tell you that it’s really common for Jewish families to give kids names that have to do with the time of year, especially if they’re born on or close to a holiday - lots of boys named [name]Eliyahu[/name] ([name]Elijah[/name]) are born around Passover, and there are a gajillion names to do with light that are big for Chanukah babies. If my DD had been born a week later (on Purim), she’d probably have been named [name]Hadassah[/name]. No one thinks it’s cheesy, it’s normal.

[name]Sarah[/name], I love Welsh names. I was fortunate enough to visit [name]Wales[/name] as a graduation present when I was 17 and it was the most amazing country in the world. I love [name]Eira[/name] and [name]Olwen[/name], so pretty. Also a Welsh name would match nicely w/ our other daughter’s scottish name. PS so neat we have the same due date! We will have to keep eachother posted when the babies come. In one way I’m hoping to go a bit early and be home before [name]Christmas[/name] but part of me loves [name]Christmas[/name] so much that I think it would be so special to have the baby at [name]Christmas[/name]!

There are so many nice ideas here. I love to have more fresh ideas for inspiration. Thanks so much to everyone. I want to have lots to draw from if baby born at [name]Christmas[/name], even if just for middle name.

For a really out there name there is Saturnalia, the [name]Roman[/name] solstice celebration where most non-religious aspects of [name]Christmas[/name] come from red and green, people shaped cookies, and I’m pretty sure bringing a tree inside. As far as more traditional names in this genre go, I really like [name]Noelle[/name]!