
[name]How[/name] do you pronounce the name Chrysanthe? Is it [name]Chris[/name]-an-thee, [name]Chris[/name]-an-tha, Cry-san-thee, Cry-san-tha, or something else altogether? I mentioned the name ([name]Chris[/name]-an-thee) to DH as a possible twist on family name [name]Christopher[/name] (his middle), and he thought it sounded kind of interesting, but I want to make certain I’m saying it right before putting it on any lists.

Also, what do you think of it as a middle name for [name]Elizabeth[/name]? ([name]Just[/name] thinking ahead to if we have a second daughter; we’re still set on [name]Catherine[/name] [name]Ophelia[/name]/[name]Octavia[/name]/[name]Aurelia[/name] for a first daughter.) I can’t decide if I think they sound too much alike or not. What about paired up with [name]Anastasia[/name], [name]Victoria[/name], [name]Veronica[/name], or [name]Maria[/name]? Thanks!

I pronounce it kris-AN-thee. I think it’s a gorgeous name.

I think [name]Elizabeth[/name] Chrysanthe sounds pretty, but awfully long. Chrysanthe and [name]Anastasia[/name] would be a beautiful sibset.

I think you can pronounce it kris-[name]ANN[/name]-thee or kris-[name]ANN[/name]-thuh, but the former is the more intuitive pronunciation so it’s what I’d use. [name]Ever[/name] since I saw it in the forums somewhere I’ve loved it. But DH doesn’t like it. :frowning: Too bad. It’d be cool since my name is [name]Kristen[/name].

[name]Elizabeth[/name] Chrysanthe is beautiful but I agree it is a mouthful. If that doesn’t bother you, go for it.

I love it, very much (currently in the top, or close to top, slot on my list). It’s accented on the second syllable-- chris-[name]ANN[/name]-thee. I like its aesthetics, its meaning (golden flower), and its saintly connections. There were a couple of St Chrysanthes, and it also works as an homage to [name]John[/name] Chrysostom.

I love it with [name]Maria[/name].

Oh, good, that’s how I thought it was pronounced!

[name]Long[/name] names don’t bother me at all. In fact, I love to take advantage of the fact that our last name is only one syllable. I’m still not sure about [name]Elizabeth[/name] Chrysanthe, though. Chrys and -liz sound a bit similar, and they both have a -th near the end. I think I agree with blade that it sounds best with [name]Maria[/name], but with my name being [name]Margaret[/name], I’m not sure about giving a daughter a name that begins with [name]Mar[/name], even if it’s one of hubby’s all-time favorites.

Oh, well, it’ll be at least a couple of years before I’ll even get the chance to use Chrysanthe, so I’ll just put it on the possibilities list and figure it out then. Thanks, guys!

It’s gorgeous with [name]Maria[/name]. [name]Maria[/name] Chrysanthe is just wonderful. I do think you have to be a little conservative in your pairings with it though, as it is “a lot of name”. I hate that phrase usually but it seems to fit what I am thinking best right now.

Sorry to revive a long dead thread but I’ve been pondering this name a lot lately as a possible middle spot for future offspring. My mom’s name is Chrisann and I’d love to honor her with this name but I’m hung up on wanting to pronounce it [name_u]Chris[/name_u]-ann-thuh (to sound more like her name and because it flows better with my favorite first name choices). It’d be a nod to a favorite children’s book she used to read to me too with a mouse named [name_f]Chrysanthemum[/name_f]. Totally wrong to bastardize the pronunciation or okay because it’s a pretty obscure name anyway?