Classic as a baby name?

This is just a thought that popped into my head, but I really like the word “Classic” as a baby name. Has an elegant feel to it. I like it for a baby girl but it works well for both genders. Classy could be a nickname.

My mother hates it, but I’d like to know the thoughts of others.

Um, no, I don’t think it works. Too weird.

Classic… I am not sure, but months ago I talked to a girl named Classica and I was… wowed by her name. She was actually a piano prodigy and her sisters, too, have musical names. Let’s just say I like this more than Classic. :slight_smile:

I think we’ve been getting some trolls lately… Classic is 10/10, A+, would recommend

It’s not exactly my style but I like it a lot for what it is. It’s innovative without sounding “invented.” It reminds me of the name [name_f]Season[/name_f], which I love. So maybe it will grow on me!

I think it has middle name potential, but I wouldn’t be bold enough to use it as a first name. Personally I like it on a boy more so than a girl. Sorry your mom hates it, but if you love it that’s all that matters. I’m sure any child would feel unique and loved with a name like classic.

I tend to like word names but I’m going to go with no on that one.

Personally, I think that it will be difficult on the child. “Classic” is a common enough word that I think your child would face some problems with it. I think that Classica sounds quite lovely, but runs into the same problems. Overall, though, I think that going with your heart is more important than pleasing anyone, and just because something isn’t a “classic” (see what I mean) name, doesn’t mean that it can’t be a good one.