name: lemuel felix keroux
age/d.o.b: seventeen / 3rd of january
hero alias: immunity
relatives: genevra " jenna " keroux (mother, deceased at 41); joshua " josh " ellison (father, 49, estranged) - all other biological relatives remain unknown
app: lemuel is 6’0" and lithe, having started to learn hand-to-hand combat once his understanding of his powers became clearer. his complexion is fair and usually his knuckles are bruised thanks to his training, usually taking the brunt of the action. his hair’s black and falls down to his jawline, curling slightly at the ends, and when longer does take on a fully wavy texture (but he feeps that style never suits him). he has a single strip of silver running through his bangs, dyed as evenly as possible to compliment his parting. his eyes are a light shade of green. lemuel’s earlobes are pierced, he has an industrial piercing in his right ear and his anti-tragus pierced on the left, usually opting for plain jewellery.
aes: lemuel’s go to colour palette is dark - black, navy, crimson, ivy etc. the fabric he likes most is velvet, although he mostly wears it in the form of a deep blue jacket he thrifted when he was sixteen. otherwise he can be seen in his oversized leather coat, and sometimes there’s a romantic gothic element to how he dresses, including wearing sheer shirts underneath his tops and having a fondness for (fake) ruby entric pendants, bracelets or rings. otherwise he goes for an oversized knitted jumper and has a collar poking out, almost entirely wearing black pants; although when he opts for something different it’s flared jeans, with embroidery across the bottoms. usually he wears lace up black boots or walking one’s depending on what the circumstances are. lemuel still uses a satchel he was given to by his mother and has decorated it over the years with badges, sewn on patches and fabric paint.
mutant power: personal shield - lemuel has the ability to shield himself off from other’s superhuman abilities, particularly the mental one’s. when attacked this shield can also be used to protect him from other projections, such as lightning or tremors. if a particularly strong or skilled opponent comes up against him though, the shield can be broken through, hence why lemuel is now actively engaging with training to protect himself properly.
bio: lemuel was the product of a short-lived relationship between two people poorly suited, his father having nothing to do with him, based on his sensibilities regarding refusing to take or accept responsibility. growing up in canada and spending his childhood on the coast, his attendance of the xavier institute occurred when his mother sadly lost her battle with cancer when he was fourteen. this loss still impacts him more than he lets on, but he feels selfish mentioning it knowing what some of his friends and peers have been through regarding their families. jenna keroux was a mutant like her son who could generate forcefields of psionic energy and did all she could to help lemuel control and work with his own powers. having grown up in a french-canadian neighbourhood, he’s bilingual, and based on the therapy he attends, deals with his loss by writing letters to his late mother in french.