Clémence Joëlle ?

This name has started to grow on me. Thoughts?

it’s very French.

If you’re French that’s great and I think it’s a nice name.

If you’re not, it’s a bit strange. I’ve never met a [name]Clemence[/name] and have only heard of one ([name]Clemence[/name] [name]Posey[/name]).

[name]Do[/name] you pronounce it the French way?

I’m American…husband’s French. We are planning on moving back to france in a few years. [name]Alice[/name] and [name]Florence[/name] are the other top picks.

I’m in the same position and know it’s not easy to find a name that works in both places, I think Clémence [name]Jo[/name]ëlle works great. [name]Jo[/name]ëlle is pretty rare these days but I think its beautiful and compliments Clémence wonderfully plus it’s pretty easy to say in either country.

I love [name]Clemence[/name], but find [name]Joelle[/name] a little lackluster next to it.

I adore this name. Might be the prettiest name I’ve ever heard! They complement each other beautifully. The name is just lovely.
Congrats to you!!

Clémence [name]Jo[/name]ëlle is a gorgeous name. Clémence has such a tranquil elegant beauty.

I think it’s beautiful! I’ve always loved french names.