See the results of this poll: Could Clifford work on a modern boy?
Respondents: 37 (This poll is closed)
- Yes : 13 (35%)
- On the right guy : 12 (32%)
- No: 12 (32%)
Respondents: 37 (This poll is closed)
A family name for me, so I have a soft spot for it, but from quite a way back. I chose “on the right guy” but I’m having a hard time imagining what he’d be like.
I could certainly see it working. Although, I much prefer [name]Heathcliff[/name] to [name]Clifford[/name].
The big red dog has doomed it to the shelf for at least another generation.
Its a big family name for me so I could never say no to it! I met a little girl in Pre-K the other day named [name]Dora[/name] and she loved the character connection. So I think that when he is younger he too will love the dog connection and when he gets older, if it starts to bother him he can always go by [name]Cliff[/name] which I think is so handsome!!!
I have an old friend named [name]Clifford[/name], which sounds uber stuffy to me but he goes by [name]Cliff[/name], which I rather like. It sounds fresh and sleek.
This was never a good name…[name]Cliff[/name] is not fresher…it is just unfortunate and will never be cool ever
[name]Clifford[/name] needed [name]Emily[/name], so she chose him for her own…too [name]Clifford[/name] the big red dog. Maybe in another 15 years.
All I think of if you say [name]Clifford[/name] is that small, red dog. I have a toy of that dog in all of my daughter’s rooms, so I voted no. I wouldn’t want a child to be bullied for having that name. Sorry!
I like [name]Clifford[/name] and I like the nn of [name]Cliff[/name] too.
I like [name]Clifford[/name]…I know a ‘[name]Cliff[/name]’ who is an international model and very intelligent…it suits him. I dont believe the book reference would affect people’s perception of the name. There are tonnes of names used in well known books;)
I don’t mind it, and I think people would get past the Big [name]Red[/name] Dog association. It’s not a bad connection to begin with, what little boy wouldn’t want to be a giant dog? I also like the nn [name]Cliff[/name] - a little rugged and unexpected!