thank you everyone for your excellent suggestions in the first round!
The Woodward Family
Giles and Genevieve are expecting a baby boy! Due to their love of books, they would like their son’s name to be somehow connected to literature (please specify the link of the name!). His middle name should either honour Giles’ father, Hector Ephraim, or Genevieve’s father, Aled Bryn.
DH: Giles Edmund Woodward (rosepip)
DW: Genevieve Margaret Woodward (Thomas) (rosepip)
The MacIntyre Family
Ross and Ksenia were ecstatic to find out that they were expecting twins! Both of the twins’ first names are popular in Chile, which is where they were born. They should also be pronounceable in English, Swedish and Polish, as these are the mother tongues of their grandparents. The twins’ middle names should be of Dutch origin, as they were conceived in the Netherlands.
DH: Ross Douglas MacIntyre (BeccaRhubarb)
DW: Ksenia Mæja Piątek (EagleEyes)
The Moran Family
Lucas and Chloe were pleased to find out that they were expecting a baby girl! For their little princess, they would like her to have a not-too-unusual hyphenated first name (choose from this list). Her middle name should be a name that is rising fast in popularity.
DBF: Lucas Jake Moran (SuzieKim)
DGF: Chloe Patricia Williams (SuzieKim)
The Powys-Hughes Family
Sioned and Ffion adopted a little girl from Hungary! As her Hungarian birth name is difficult to pronounce in Welsh and English, Sioned and Ffion have selected her new first name from the Top 100 names in Wales (found near the end of this page). However, they will use her birth name as her middle name in case she would rather go by it in the future (choose from this list)
DW: Sioned Myfanwy Powys (EleanorVintage)
DW: Ffion Louise Hughes (Carys1, bowtiful & alleigh76)
The Al-Muharrami Family
Raheem and Soraya were going to wait until birth to find out what they were going to have, but they couldn’t wait that long and found out they were going to have a beautiful little boy! Like his parents, he will have names of Arabic origin. However, his first name will be relatively common and his middle name will be less heard of.
DH: Raheem Iskandar Al-Muharrami (jujubesun & Carys1)
DW: Soraya Yasmin Al-Muharrami (Hasan) (bowtiful & BeccaRhubarb)