thank you again for all your wonderful suggestions! I hope you are all having as much fun as I am with these, and I’m so excited to see all of your responses!
The Woodward Family
Giles and Genevieve were delighted to find out that Sebastian would be getting a little sister! Like her older brother’s name, she should have a long, elegant first name somehow connected to literature (please specify the link!) Her first middle name should be short and scholarly, like Hugh, and her second middle name should honour Giles’ mother, Geraldine Muriel Joyce.
DH: Giles Edmund Woodward (rosepip)
DW: Genevieve Margaret Woodward (Thomas) (rosepip)
DS: Sebastian Hugh Brynmor Woodward (tabbi_lea & EleanorVintage)
The MacIntyre Family
After giving birth to Tomás and Sofía in Chile, Ross and Ksenia decided to move to New Zealand due to their love of the Maori culture and bungee jumping! There, they gave birth to a gorgeous little boy! His first name should be popular in New Zealand, and should also go well the names of his siblings. His middle name should somehow honour his maternal grandmother, Gunilla Svea, who recently passed away.
DH: Ross Douglas MacIntyre (BeccaRhubarb)
DW: Ksenia Mæja Piątek (EagleEyes)
DS/DD: Tomás Izaäk MacIntyre & Sofía Lijsbeth MacIntyre (Carys1)
The Moran Family
Lucas and Chloe were so excited when they found out that Ella-Rose would be getting some twin brothers! They decided to move into a bigger house with a garden so that there would be more room for their children to play. For this cheeky pair of boys, they would like to continue with the theme of hyphenated first names (choose from this list), and names that are rising fast in popularity for their middle names.
DBF: Lucas Jake Moran (SuzieKim)
DGF: Chloe Patricia Williams (SuzieKim)
DD: Ella-Rose Indie Moran (jujubesun)
The Powys-Hughes Family
This time, Sioned and Ffion decided to adopt a little girl from Turkey, which is a special place for the couple as this is where they went on their honeymoon! Like Mali Kincső, her first name will be from the Wales Top 100 (found near the end of this page), and her birth name will be her middle name in case she would rather go by it in the future (choose from this list). Either one of her names should have a positive meaning (please specify) to relate to Sioned and Ffion’s magical Turkish honeymoon experience!
DW: Sioned Myfanwy Powys (EleanorVintage)
DW: Ffion Louise Hughes (Carys1, bowtiful & alleigh76)
DD: Mali Kincső Powys-Hughes (Carys1, EleanorVintage & jujubesun)
The Al-Muharrami Family
As Raheem and Soraya are both twins themselves, they knew that they would have a higher chance of having a multiple birth! They were so excited to find out they’d be having G/B twins to join Yusuf! Like their brother’s name, their first names will be common Arabic names. Their middle names will honour Soraya’s twin sister, Samira Khadija and Raheem’s twin brother, Amir Faris respectively.
DH: Raheem Iskandar Al-Muharrami (jujubesun & Carys1)
DW: Soraya Yasmin Al-Muharrami (Hasan) (bowtiful & BeccaRhubarb)
DS: Yusuf Haroun Al-Muharrami (EagleEyes)