A huge partner boom has happened within the Holmes household in the last five years. The quads have all gotten married and have children! Joining their ranks next were Frank, SJ, & Celia. Julius, Tess, Lisa, Henna, & Titus are now engaged, and Felicity & Finn are dating. Wally is still single, deciding to wait until his graduation to find the right one. Meanwhile, James & Fern, who settled into life as parents of 25, of couldn’t be happier and prouder of all their children!
LN: Holmes
DH (51): James Oscar (wander_lust3)
DW (50): Fernanda Eve “Fern” (née Wilder) (Paxramena)
DS (26): George Benjamin (namelover55) [Quadruplet]
-DW (26): Anastasia Lois (née Kovalchuk) (EdgeOfTheMeadow)
-DD (infant):
-DD (exp.):
First Names: Honor their mother’s Russian heritage.
Middle Names: Classic names with a twist.
DS (26): Dexter Leo (rosemary.luella99) [Quadruplet]
-DW (26): Saorla Gaia Lavinia (née Johnstone) (namelover55)
-DC (1):
First Name & Middle Name: From this list: Boy Names for Girls | Nameberry
DD (26): Celeste Darcy “Esti” (née Holmes) (GoldenNebula88) [Quadruplet]
-DH (27): Frederick Percival Bancroft “Freddie” (lifesaboutmusic)
-DC (1):
First Name & Middle Name: Unique Unisex Names | Nameberry
DS (26): Rudy Isadore (regionlatbest) [Quadruplet]
-DW (25): Lorelei Evelina (née Moretti-Klein) (lolzabeth)
-DD (10): Esther Magnolia (GoldenNebula88)
-DS (3):
-DD (infant):
First names: Both are biblical.
Middle names: Both are nature-related, but the boy has a tree name, and the girl has a botanical one.
DANephew (22): Francis Robin Sonora Knight, Jr. “Frank” (lolzabeth)
First Name, Middle Name & Surname: All are Indian in origin.
DANiece (21): Felicity Reagan Estonia Knight (PrincessShannon) (lolzabeth)
First Name: An “old lady” name.
Middle Name: From this list: Best Unique Girl Names: Under 50 Births | Nameberry
Surname: Balances her first and middle names length-wise.
DS (21): Julius Wilder (VEL)
First Name: Ends with an S.
Middle Name: Same as a mythological god’s.
Surname: Greek in origin.
DANiece (20): Therese Bellamy Ibiza Knight “Tess” (GoldenNebula88) (lolzabeth)
First Name & Middle Name: From this list: Gender Neutral Celebrity Baby Names | Nameberry
Surname: Same as a rock singer’s.
DS (19): Phineas Blake “Finn” (lolzabeth) [Sextuplet]
First name: From this list: 202 Occupational Baby Names | Nameberry
Middle name: Unique Unisex Middle Names | Nameberry
Surname: Same as a US president’s.
DS (19): Wallace Jackson “Wally” (Lillianzzzzz) [Sextuplet]
DD (19): Lydia Sofie “Lisa” (EdgeOfTheMeadow) [Sextuplet]
First Name & Middle Name: From this list: 663 Wonderful Word Names | Nameberry
DD (19): Helena Edith “Henna” (PrincessShannon) [Sextuplet]
First Name: A nickname.
Middle Name: 85 Video Game Names for Boys | Nameberry
Surname: One that you think would flow well when hypenated with Holmes.
DS (19): Stuart Jeremy “SJ” (namelover55) [Sextuplet]
First Name: From this list: Invented Boy Names | Nameberry
Middle Name: A “dad” name.
Surname: One that you would assume that belongs to a hipster .
DD (19): Cecilia Juliette “Celia” (SuzieKim) [Sextuplet]
First Name & Surname: Honor women’s rights activists.
Middle Name: Chinese in origin.
DANephew (19): Titus Dakota Zealand Knight (lifesaboutmusic)
First name: Same as an Old Hollywood era actress’.
Middle Name: From this list: Strong Girl Names | Nameberry
Surname: Has two syllables.
DD (10): Evangeline Audra “Angela” (PrincessShannon)
DC (): Autumn Blue (lolzabeth)
DD / DD / DD / DS / DD / DD / DS / DD (5): Tabitha Beatrix, Delilah Ruby, Dorothy Lilith, Barnaby Angus, Penelope Paige, Cordelia Quinn, Nathan Chase, & Josephine Caspia [namelover55 (2) / lolzabeth (2) / GoldenNebula88 (1) / lifesaboutmusic (2) / PrincessShannon (1)]
Male Ragdolls (dec.): Elburn & Keyes (coolauntieviolet & rosemary.luella99)
The rooster (dec.): Blyton (namelover55)
The hens (dec.): Hermione, Luna, Minerva & Ginny (EdgeOfTheMeadow, lolaybimba, lolzabeth, & PrincessShannon / lolzabeth, lifesaboutmusic, & rosemary.luella99 / GoldenNebula88, lolaybimba & lifesaboutmusic / EdgeOfTheMeadow, lolaybimba & lolzabeth)
Male Friesian horse (17): Pharaoh (BronwynParry1)
Male Keeshond (dec.): William “Liam” (rosemary.luella99, nn by PrincessShannon)