Cold feet and hours to decide

First, thanks to all who replied to my last thread and apologies for not responding. Things have been wild here. [name_u]Baby[/name_u] is born and things have all changed. [name_f]Delphine[/name_f] became unusable very unfortunately. We’ve narrowed down to two names:

Eul@lie C@terina


C@terina [name_f]Ros[/name_f]@lind

as a little sister to [name_m]Ivo[/name_m].

We love both names. I think my heart is in Eul@lie, but we are so worried about the difficulties she might have with this name, especially since we’re in a [name_m]German[/name_m] speaking country right now. It also seems like such a polarizing name, which you either love or hate. I don’t like the idea of people hating our little one’s name. [name_u]Nick[/name_u] names might be Euli or [name_f]Lila[/name_f] (lee-la). My husband said he’s behind me on this name, but I sense concern from him.

I really love our C@terina combo, but we all have very unusual names, so she would stick out for being a tad bit more “familiar” than the rest of her family. Not that this is a bad thing - I just always imagined giving my daughter a more unfamiliar name.

Any thoughts welcome and appreciated!!

Is Eul@lie difficult to pronounce in [name_m]German[/name_m]?

About it being polarized, I think you can say the same thing about basically all names that aren’t common. People will have different opinions about a name.
Another thing to consider is that it’s normal that people who hate a name might start liking it when they get to know someone with the name.

C@terina is nice too, though more familiar as you said.

I think both options are really pretty, but I hope you go with what you love and not settling for the safer choice.

I think from your actual explanations, your heart is with [name_f]Eulalie[/name_f]. Everyone will have different opinions on names, especially unfamiliar names, but don’t let that stop you. [name_f]Lila[/name_f] is a sweet and more familiar nickname, if she ends up wanting a more familiar name. [name_f]Eulalie[/name_f] and [name_m]Ivo[/name_m] are exually unusual and interesting.

While saying this, I do adore [name_f]Caterina[/name_f]. It’s elegant, familiar and regal - but I think that [name_f]Eulalie[/name_f] would fit your family more. However, you can’t go wrong with it.

[name_f]May[/name_f] I ask why [name_f]Delphine[/name_f] became unusable? Did someone else close to you use it? I only ask because I feel it would bridge the gap of your concerns perfectly.

I find Eul@lie C@terina just perfect for you. I also love the nn [name_f]Lila[/name_f].

Good luck!

[name_f]Eulalie[/name_f] seems like the name for you! I feel like pronounciation is a minor hiccup - I think it’ll be fine!

Eul@lie C@terina is delightful and it would be my pick. COngratualtions on your little one

While both are beautiful, Eul@lie C@terina is definitely my favourite and seems perfect for you.

[name_f]May[/name_f] I just say congratulations! I can sense you’re very attached to Eul@lie C@terina, and I can see why. If your heart is set on Eul@lie, I’d say go for it, regardless of others’ opinions. It’s a classic combination and easily suits a child and an adult.


I really love Eul@lie C@terina for you guys. [name_u]Truly[/name_u], all of the names you love are gorgeous. I don’t speak [name_m]German[/name_m], so I don’t know just how much of an issue pronunciation would be, but exposure to the name may help people? Also, you said you are currently in a [name_m]German[/name_m]-speaking area. It sounds like that isn’t necessarily a permanent arrangement, so basing a name choice solely on that may just leave you feeling sad in the long run (I guess I could see the impact on your choice if there are naming laws there but I don’t think there are). As far as it being polarizing, as others have mentioned, people are always opinionated about names, whether they are uncommon or common. Strangers’ opinions don’t matter and I’m sure family/friends will either adjust or will fall in love with your little girl no matter what her name is :slight_smile:

For your other combo, I don’t know how common the name is where you guys are. It is definitely uncommon to my ears, though. It works well with your boy’s name and I don’t think it feels like an odd name out.

As others have said, it sounds like [name_f]Eulalie[/name_f] has your heart - and I can see why, it is an absolutely stunning name! I understand your reservations but you will never find a name that absolutely everyone likes, and as namegirl3 said, you don’t want to choose a name based on where you live if it’s only temporary - plus you’ve got some beautiful nicknames picked out if the people around you have difficulty with the full name.

I feel like you’d regret not using [name_f]Eulalie[/name_f], the other combo is lovely but it doesn’t feel like you’re in love with [name_f]Caterina[/name_f] and if you went with it I’d worry you’d end up feeling like you settled for it when your heart lies with [name_f]Eulalie[/name_f]

Huge congratulations!

First off, I love both combos, I really do. I really, really don’t think you can go wrong here.

Second, I don’t find C@terina in the least bit boring, or predictable, or even particularly familiar – it’s a similar level of Euro-chic, classy, known-yet-exotic as [name_m]Ivo[/name_m], in my book (UK perspective).

Third, my personal preference is the same as yours here: Eul@lie is an utterly gorgeous name and I just love it for you, and I love your love for it. I speak [name_m]German[/name_m], and I think it’s more than pronounceable for Germans, and the nicknames you’ve picked out are fabulous and adorable. The meaning is also fantastic. Two vowel-rich, sweet and strong, approachably exotic names together = perfection!

I don’t know if you remember or not, but when we were naming our youngest (now 10 months), I agonised for months over the decision. I’d written off my absolute favourite name, [name_f]Anouk[/name_f], early on, because I worried about it being unfamiliar and too difficult to pronounce for English speakers. We were all set to name her something else we absolutely loved, but which just didn’t hold that same special place in my heart ([name_f]Ramona[/name_f]). I had come to terms with the fact that [name_f]Anouk[/name_f] was going to be “the one that got away” – the name that was totally perfect in my head and heart, but was just not practical for real-life use.

Anyway, long story (and many angsty threads) short… we named her [name_f]Anouk[/name_f]. I couldn’t let it go: she is my last baby, my last girl, and I wanted to give her the gift of my absolute favourite name, which had had my heart for years (to the point where I’d looked at her big sister on many occasions and wondered “Could you have been an [name_f]Anouk[/name_f]?”) It’s perfect for her. Yes, it’s sometimes mispronounced. Yes, people often look confused or ask for clarification. But I’m so so happy I used it, I would 100% have spent the next 20 years wondering if my [name_f]Ramona[/name_f] could have been an [name_f]Anouk[/name_f] too – and she totally could!

TL;DR Go with your heart :wink: Congratulations again and all the very best to you all.