I’ll leave the meanings down below and would appreciate any help in combining them into one long meaning per letter [A, B, C, …]
Some will feel very obvious, but if you have any creative ideas…
(Also, - are used to separate the names, commas are used if a name has more than one meaning and / is used if only one of the meanings should be used.)
A) good spirit - sweet smell - sunrise - shining, excel (- man)
B) youth - light - hope - increase
C) echo - thorn(y) - ice / iron - victor(ious) - battle
D) mighty, eye - daring, brave - journey - victory of man - beloved
E) affectionate, kiss - evening - king / brave, valiant - fortunate spearman or flyer
F) continous - heroic - swan - west wind
G) messenger / rainbow - good omen - hawk - seven
H) curly hair - golden, gilded - grace, protection - (hard) spears
I) most beautiful - womb - queen - beloved
this seems right up my alley, but i’m a little confused! do you want us to make combos with these meanings, or combine the meanings to make more sense?
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The latter (I tried to make it a little more obvious now, hope it makes more sense?!).
These meanings all belong to names in one combo respectively and I’d like to have one combined meaning for each combo.
For example, if the words were songbird, night, and [name_f]France[/name_f], one very simple meaning could be “The songbird singing at night in France.”
For some combos these meanings are very obvious, I suppose, but for others, I struggle to come up with one combined meaning.
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gotcha! i’ve just picked five to do for now, though i may come back and do the rest tomorrow! i’m going to put these in a spoiler since my explanations are quite long. out of curiosity, are you doing four-name combos?
(b) - "a light of hope held through life"
“the growing light of hope & youth,” the obvious combo, is a bit nonsensical as a meaning, but sounds quite pretty! i think that “growing” just sounds more poetic than “increasing,” i think it’s possible to make a more complex meaning by combining “youth” and “increasing” to suggest aging, or growing up, in which case something like “a light of hope held through life” could be a slightly stretchier (but prettier) interpretation.
(c) - "many battles won with an iron sword"
i think “ice/iron” + “thorn” can be combined into “sword” - “iron sword” probably works better than “ice sword.” if you prefer. that can be merged with “victor” and “battle” to be - “a battle won with an iron sword.” “echo” is hard - the simplest way to incorporate it would be “echo of a battle won with an iron sword,” although i also think you could interpret “echo” as “memory” or as a signifier of repetition, so “many battles won with an iron sword” or “memories of a battle won with an iron sword.”
(f) - "swan that flies forever on the west wind"
here i think that “heroic” is the hardest to combine - “the swan that flies continuously on the west wind” is a really gorgeous meaning. i think that you can sort of fold “heroic” in with “continuous” to mean “forever;” i.e. continuing to do something regardless of challenges. thus: “swan that flies forever on the west wind!”
(g) - "the rainbow's messenger flies down with good omens"
here i think it might be best to use “hawk” to suggest flight rather than the bird itself. also, since seven is the lucky number, you can interpret the meaning as “luck” and fold it into “good omen!”
(i) - "womb of the beautiful, beloved queen"
i think this one is pretty easy to combine - “womb of the beautiful, beloved queen.” if “womb” feels a bit vulgar (though i don’t think it should), i think that “child of the beautiful, beloved queen” would be a perfectly acceptable interpretation.
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thank you! these are so interesting to read through and very helpful as it led me to reconsider certain meamings / approach them more creatively.
And yes, 4 name combos but that’s not really the theme
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i’m back to do the rest! mostly because i’m procrastinating on my vignette thread ^^
(a) - "the spirit of the sweet & shining dawn"
this one is still a little clunky, i think, but i had some difficulty shortening it. i think interpreting “spirit” as a spirit rather than the conceptual spirit makes it slightly easier. i like “sweet smell,” but it’s difficult to combine with these intangible meanings. i do think “good spirit” and “sweet smell” could be compounded into “incense” or something similar - something that suggests a spiritual burning that produces sweet-smelling smoke.
(d) - "a hero's victorious journey"
mighty, eye - daring, brave - journey - victory of man - beloved
i cannot for the life of me think of how to fit “eye” in, but i think that “beloved,” “daring,” and “mighty” are all sort of encompassed by “hero.” as for the rest it’s just the intuitive combination!
(e) - "a kiss blown bravely in the evening"
i think the obvious choice is to abandon “flyer,” and do something like “an evening kiss from the warrior king,” where “spearman” is interpreted broadly so that the meaning isn’t too clunky, but i think that using “brave” and combining “flyer” with “kiss” to suggest a blown kiss could totally work (and makes the combo much more romantic)!
(h) - "a protected child with golden curls"
this is quite a tricky one since “spears” stands out. here i think the easiest way to go about it is just to fold “spears” into “protection” - protected by arms is implied. i don’t know whether this combo is for a girl or boy, but “girl,” “boy,” “woman,” or “man” can replace “child.” still a bit of an incongruous meaning should your child not have golden curly hair, but it would be sweet if they did!