Combo Contest - final round! 🏆 (winners announced!)

Hello everyone! It’s time to announce the winners!! :trophy:

First place :1st_place_medal:: Ivy Matilda (@sammaegre) !!!
Second place :2nd_place_medal:: Lyra Josephine (@lucy_halo1) !!!
Third place :3rd_place_medal:: Rosalie Fox (@FreyByTheWay) !!!

And the runners-up…
Fourth place (tie): Catherine Ophelia (@OctaviaMay) & Oona Josephine (@Sagebrush )
Fifth place (tie): Frances Ramona (@ellerbea) & Lucy Meadowlark (@sammaegre)

(Please let me know if any of the usernames are mixed up, I think the forums are glitching for me :smiling_face_with_tear:)

A big congratulations to all of you! No prizes, except bragging rights, I suppose?
Thank you also to everybody who entered their combos and participated in the voting! :heart:

Goodbye, and stay tuned for another Combo Contest in the future? :wave: