I’ve gotten so many fantastic name suggestions over on my moodboard thread for this aesthetic, and I feel like I’ve built a really strong list, but I’m just aaaaaallll over the place with the combo-making, so I thought I’d get some community input.
I have a total of three lists: one for first names, one for name-name middles, and one for word-name middles (bolded names are favorites). If you could build combos using one name from each list, that would be super helpful! For reference, big sister would be Nimue Fern Lunaria, and last name is pronounced KAY-lahr.
First name options:
Acantha, Aeronwy, Belphoebe, Eirlys, Gwyneira, Lirael, Olwen, Orithyia, Rosalind, Sabriel, Tinuviel, Ylva
Name-name middles:
Acantha, Aeronwy, Anastasia, Belphoebe, Bianca, Ceridwen, Chione, Chloris, Clara, Cora, Cornelia, Cybele, Eira, Eirlys, Elke, Elva, Eponine, Esmeray, Evangeline, Faina, Fiona, Frostine, Guinevere, Gwyneira, Inessa, Irina, Isa, Khione, Lilja, Lirael, Lucia, Lucienne, Lumi, Luminosa, Natalia, Nephele, Nolwenn, Odessa, Olwen, Oona, Orithyia, Ostara, Phaedra, Raisa, Ravenna, Rhoswen, Rosalba, Rosalind, Rosamund, Sabriel, Saskia, Syvne, Silje, Tatiana, Thora, Tindra, Titania, Tinuviel, Ursa, Vasilia, Ylva
Word/Nature name middles:
Acacia, Crimson, Dove, Evergreen, Garnet, Ivy, Primrose, Raven, Rosethorn, Sable, Saga, Scarlet / Scarlett, Snow, Thorn, Valentine, Winter, Wintergreen
Thank you, dear Berries! I look forward to seeing what you come up with!