I’m curious how you each handle the difficult task of agreeing on a name with your spouse/partner?
I’m a few years ahead of having kids and I’m very glad I’ve started my search early! [name_u]Ever[/name_u] since our friend group started having kids a couple years ago (7 kids and counting!) I’ve become obsessed with names. [name_f]My[/name_f] partner thought I was being silly at first, but so far there is only ONE name that is 100% certain for us (barring a horrifying situation in which one of my friends chooses the same first name). I have a few other names (a couple girls first names, and one full boys name) that my partner didn’t veto but I haven’t been able to fully commit to them yet myself.
There are also a few boys names that I liked and my partner immediately vetoed. Some I’ve come around on and decided I don’t want to use anymore anyway ([name_u]Maverick[/name_u]), while others I haven’t quite gotten over yet ([name_m]Newton[/name_m]).
Have any of you had luck convincing your partner to reconsider a name they vetoed? What names did you have to let go in the end? Those of you with children now, do you still wish you could’ve used another name for your child?
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My hubby is swift and firm with his veto powers and it is frustrating. But ultimately you do want both parents to be on board so you have to find your compromise, even if it’s not your ultimate hearts desire. We are baking number two and it’s work in progress… For our first son, no regrets. His name is his name and I adore it and him like no other. The name becomes the person and you just love it regardless of the position on your wishlist!
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Our rule when baby naming (due in [name_f]May[/name_f]!) is that either of us has the full right to veto a name, as long as a reason is provided.
The one thing I knew would drive me up the wall is if I suggested a name and received just a flat “no”.
So far its been working, and we’ve been able to whittle our very long list - slowly but surely
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I don’t know if anyone else’s SO does this, but I will ask my husband about a name that’s on my mind, he will say he likes it, then when I bring it up again weeks later he will act appalled that I would even suggest it. and they say women are confusing ?!
Sometimes he does the opposite and likes it the second time I mention it, I’m hoping this could be the case for you!
People “come around” to names all the time. when I first heard that [name_u]Hillary[/name_u] [name_u]Duff[/name_u] named her daughter [name_u]Banks[/name_u], I was like, what?? Now I want a daughter named [name_u]Banks[/name_u]. I also used to hate the name [name_f]Frances[/name_f], now I like it. it happens!
if there’s a name you like, google it and see what characters are out there with the name. If he watches/reads it and likes the character, he might see the name in a new light. This has happened to my SO
Make a long list and read it out to your dh, and mark neutral, like or dislike for each. Try it again after a few days/weeks/months and see what he says! There’s a good chance SOMETHING has changed.
Finally, take the names you both like but aren’t committed to yet, and plug them into the Name Generator and see if something you both love comes up
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