[name]Lux[/name]/Luxe/Luxxe (pron. [name]Lux[/name]) - I like the [name]Lux[/name] spelling most because I think the others look like they are used to describe something luxourious, if that makes sense. I think it’s a really cool name.
[name]Lowri[/name] (pron. [name]Lou[/name] as in LOUd-[name]Ree[/name]) - this used to be one of my favourites, especially because of the artist L.S.[name]Lowri[/name]. I think it has a nice sound, but there are a lot of nicer names out there.
[name]Ava[/name] - I love this despite its popularity, I think it sounds gorgeous.
[name]Isla[/name] (pron. Eye-Luh) - I think I’m in the minority here but I don’t love this one, I think its an ok name but I can still see why people like it.
[name]Belle[/name] - I love this name, beautiful in its simplicity.
[name]Scarlett[/name] - I do love it, [name]Scarlet[/name] is my favourite colour, but I’d be afraid of her getting Scar as a nn, however I do love [name]Lettie[/name]/ [name]Letty[/name].
[name]Violet[/name] - [name]Love[/name]! Personally, I can’t fault this name
[name]Willow[/name] - I’m a big fan of nature names, and I think this is really pretty. I can only see a super tall, tanned and slender girl with the name [name]Willow[/name] though.
[name]Willa[/name] - I love how vintage this name sounds, it might get confused for [name]Willow[/name] though.
[name]Vrai[/name] OR Vraia (pron. Vray (uh)) - I don’t like Vraia, but [name]Vrai[/name] is nice. I think it sounds nicer than it looks, I think it would be cute as a middle name and I like the meaning, I love most things french.
[name]Romy[/name] - [name]Love[/name], I adore on its own or as a nn for [name]Romilly[/name] or [name]Rosemary[/name]. One of my favourites.
[name]Zen[/name] - Not sure about this, I think it sounds quite boy-ish. It could be nice as a nn for [name]Astoria[/name] though.
[name]Suri[/name] - I think that the [name]Cruise[/name]'s chose a brilliant name for their little girl, but I think you will have that connection for a very long time.
Ziriah/Ziria (pron. Zeer-EE-Uh) - I don’t really like the sound of this one. I love [name]Zinnia[/name] though.
[name]Ellie[/name] - I’m an [name]Elena[/name] who chose to be [name]Ellie[/name] for a number of years. I am very sick of it now, mostly due to its popularity, and I’d rather be known as [name]Elena[/name] now.
[name]Story[/name] - I think this is really cool, not sure how well it would age, but I’d love to meet a little story.
[name]Sonnet[/name] - I think this sounds a bit masculine as well, but it has a really nice sound. I guess it could go both ways, maybe I’m completely wrong and it is only a girls name, it just has a bit of a masculine feel to me.
[name]Lilac[/name] - I prefer [name]Lila[/name] or [name]Lily[/name], I think [name]Lilac[/name] sounds a bit harsh.
[name]Lavender[/name] - I love the name [name]Lavender[/name]! I think it sounds so pretty and delicate
nice list, my favourite has to be [name]Romy[/name]!