Cora, Coral, or Coraline?

See the results of this poll: Cora, Coral, or Coraline

Respondents: 63 (This poll is closed)

  • Cora : 26 (41%)
  • Coral : 8 (13%)
  • Coraline: 29 (46%)

[name]Cora[/name] is sweet, beautiful and simple. :slight_smile:
I don’t think it will get mispronounced, maybe every no and then though. My name get mispronounced regularly! Which I find odd haha

[name]Love[/name] the book and the movie, so I vote [name]Coraline[/name]:slight_smile: (Though all three are nice!)

[name]Lovely[/name] taste! I’d be happy to see [name]Cora[/name], [name]Coral[/name], or [name]Coraline[/name] on a little girl. I chose [name]Cora[/name] for simplicity’s sake. I can imagine [name]Coraline[/name] being mispronounced, though people can and will butcher almost any name.

I love [name]Coralie[/name] too.

Ooh, this is a tricky one since I love [name]Cora[/name] and [name]Coraline[/name] equally. I know of someone called [name]Cora[/name], nicknamed [name]Coraline[/name], but I think if you use [name]Coraline[/name], you can get both [name]Cora[/name] and [name]Coral[/name], so I guess then you can have all three…

[name]Coraline[/name]! It has the option of using the other two as nns, plus the [name]Coraline[/name] song in the movie is too cute.

I have not seen the movie, so maybe I should do that :p.

Thank you all btw!

Use [name]Coraline[/name]! It’s a beautiful name and she can still be called [name]Cora[/name] and/or [name]Coral[/name] occasionally.

I definitely vote [name]Cora[/name], or even [name]Coralie[/name]. I think I’m in the namberry minority in that I don’t really care for [name]Coraline[/name]. It was made up just 10 years ago and is just too tied to the book/movie.

I like [name]Coraline[/name].

[name]How[/name] would it be mispronounced? Like [name]Caroline[/name]? Like [name]Cora[/name]-lyn? I’m sure it’ll happen occasionally but the occasional mispronunciations shouldn’t steer you away from a name you love.

I love [name]Coraline[/name] but in my opinion it’s too tied to the book/movie (so I guess that being a good or bad thing depends on your opinion of the book/movie). I think it definitely would get misread as [name]Caroline[/name] a lot, that happened to the character in the book. It’s a guilty pleasure for me because it would get misread so much and I don’t like the fact that the author just made it up. I love [name]Cora[/name] and a bunch of other full names for [name]Cora[/name], though - [name]Coralie[/name], [name]Cordelia[/name], [name]Corinne[/name], [name]Corabelle[/name], etc.

[name]Coraline[/name] may have the same pronunciation problems as [name]Emmeline[/name]. It will probably be pronounced as “line”, “leen” or “lyn”. In spite of this issue, I think [name]Coraline[/name] is the more versatile name as it would give you the option of using all three choices ([name]Cora[/name] and [name]Coral[/name] as nicknames and [name]Coraline[/name] on the birth certificate). [name]Do[/name] make sure you don’t like any other girls names ending in “line” before you make your final choice. :slight_smile:

As they are, [name]Cora[/name], but I like [name]Coralie[/name] (and maybe even [name]Cordelia[/name]) even more with the nn [name]Cora[/name]. I definitely like [name]Cora[/name] more than [name]Coral[/name] or [name]Coraline[/name], though. For what it’s worth, I don’t see it being mispronounced, with [name]Caroline[/name] being so popular.

I love [name]Cora[/name]! [name]Coraline[/name] definately reminds me of the movie. I’ve never seen the movie, but from the commercials it seemed a little creepy… But thats just my opinion! I don’t think the pronunciation would be too difficult. My favorite is [name]Cora[/name]! So sweet and charming.

It actually wasn’t. [name]Neil[/name] Gaiman thought he made the name up but then discovered that it was in fact a legit name with a history (he mentioned this in some interview awhile back). So while the book and movie definitely made the name more mainstream, the name didn’t originate from them.

Anyway, I would go with [name]Coraline[/name] since you can use both [name]Cora[/name] and [name]Coral[/name] as nicknames. Unless you want to use a super long middle name, in which case I’d go for one of the two shorter names.

[name]Cora[/name], I like the simplicity of it.

My vote goes to [name]Coral[/name]. It’s most beautiful to me cause it feels naturey and vibrantly colorful. I never saw the movie [name]Coraline[/name], but somehow associate it as being gothy…I could be wrong, but that’s my memory of it. [name]Tim[/name] [name]Burton[/name] or something? A cartoon, no? I would rather a name evocative of sunny brightness & the ocean, but that’s just me. [name]Cora[/name] is very sweet, but prim. I picture a Colonial girl & I think of the name [name]Laura[/name] which I associate as shy & sweet.

[name]Cora[/name]! It’s simple and classic. Not a fan of [name]Coral[/name] or [name]Coraline[/name].

I like all three, but I voted [name]Coraline[/name] because you can always use [name]Cora[/name] or [name]Coral[/name] as a nn, and then you get to use two of them :slight_smile: