Correct spelling and pronounciation of this name?

So we’ve decided to name our son who is due any day now [name]Mathias[/name] (muh-tee-us).

That in itself was a huge ordeal, but now I’m trying to figure out which way I should spell the name since I’m going to be pronouncing it (muh-tee-us) as apposed to the english version (muh-thy-us).

Which would be the correct spelling…[name]Mattias[/name], [name]Matias[/name], [name]Mathias[/name], [name]Matthias[/name].

Which do you think looks the best?


I think [name]Mathias[/name] is the nicest looking, but if you want people to get the pronunciation right first time round then I think [name]Mattias[/name] would probably work best. Whichever way you spell it, it’s a lovely name!

[name]Love[/name] the name, it’s a top contender for us too but with the English pron. For your preferred pronunciation I would not include the H in the name so I thin [name]Mattias[/name] or [name]Matias[/name] works.

[name]Matias[/name]. Its the only one, to me, that isnt confusing.

[name]Just[/name] my opinion, but im not a fan of adding extra letters when they arent heard.

p.s Im feeling like a huge loser…I have met someone who named their son this and I was pronouncing it [name]Math[/name]-ee-us

I would say [name]Mathias[/name] as Muh-thigh-is, so I would say [name]Mattias[/name] or [name]Matias[/name] are the most straight-forward. Adding extra h’s that aren’t said just makes me want to pronounce the ‘th’ sound. Not sure if I prefer the single or double t though!

I’m with the others. I think [name]Mathias[/name] is the best on paper. But an ‘h’ in there would give you a different pn than you’re going for. I would do [name]Matias[/name] or [name]Mattias[/name] for your pn.

I would spell it as [name]Matthias[/name] but I would not be saying like you do. I have googled and it seems that the best spelling for the pronunciation you want is [name]Matteus[/name].

See this link for [name]Matthias[/name] variants.

I agree with this completely! [name]Mathias[/name]/[name]Mattias[/name] is a great name. Congrats and good luck with the delivery! :slight_smile:

I’d go with [name]Mattias[/name]

Oh! I like rollo’s suggestion of [name]Matteus[/name]. If that’s not your style I think I like [name]Mattias[/name] better. I think [name]Matias[/name] is a little empty looking.

I’d say similarly to some others, the extra ‘h’ seems to make the pronunciation different than your going for. I’d go with [name]Matias[/name] or [name]Mattias[/name].

[name]Mattias[/name] I think.

To me the other spellings would read:

[name]Mathias[/name]: Ma-tie-us.
[name]Matteus[/name]: Ma-tay-us.
[name]Matias[/name]: [name]May[/name]-shus.

Huh, I always thought it was pronounced [name]Matt[/name]-tee-us. Learned something new. I don’t care for the correct pronunciation. :confused:

I’ve always known the name to be traditionally spelled [name]Matteus[/name]. As [name]Mathias[/name]/[name]Matthias[/name] is a different pronunciation entirely (ma-THY-us). [name]Matteus[/name] means “Gift of God”. It’s a lovely name.

I agree that I would pronounce [name]Matteus[/name] mah-[name]TAY[/name]-us. I knew a guy from [name]Brazil[/name] with this name, and he pronounced it that way.

I would use [name]Mattias[/name]. (Since that is how my brother spells his name, it is the one that looks most correct to me.) Good luck!

I’d go with [name]Mattias[/name] or [name]Matias[/name]. I pronounce [name]Matthias[/name] as “ma-TEE-iss”, too, but I know that most of the English-speaking world does not (I only do because I was introduced to it in French.)
[name]Mattias[/name] is my preference, I think. I also like [name]Matteus[/name], but I’d pronounce that, “ma-[name]TAY[/name]-oose”

[name]Matias[/name]- ma-tee-as. [name]Both[/name] a’s said like if the doctor tells you to say ahhh. This is how it would be pronounced in Spanish.
[name]Matthias[/name]- Mah-tee-us
[name]Matteus[/name]- mah-tay-oos

I like [name]Mattias[/name] the best. I would pronounce all the other suggestions wrong. And rollo’s suggestion of [name]Matteus[/name] would probably be better suited to your pronunciation, and it looks good on paper too.