Hello berries, what are your honest thoughts on the name Coventina? I’m on the fence on it, and I can’t put on my finger why. What are some pros/cons of this name? Is it too out there, or is it just not wearable?
Sounds kind of like Covid + quarantine to me!
definitely reminds me of covid (i misread it as Covidtina at first) so unfortunately i don’t think it’s wearable
@venezio and @ethelmary that’s fair, lol.
Covid was also my immediate thought
nice name, wrong time😂
I didn’t think of Covid at all, actually! But I did think of the word ‘convent’ and pictured a nun. I think it’s an elegant name with a cool sound.
Wow never would have thought this!
Reminds me immediately of a convent for some reason?? lol
Anyway, thumbs down for me
Huh, never would of thought of Coventina reminding someone of convent, then again maybe it’s bc I’m not religious myself
Well I never thought of COVID or convent but I did think of covenant. Not a fan a little too out there and unwearable imho
It reminds me of:
- a convent
- convention/conventional
- covid
Might be because it’s [name_u]October[/name_u] but my first thought was witch covens!
I thought immediately of a covenant. And although I didn’t think of it when I saw it, I think the ‘cov’ beginning is problematic in the current climate.
Honestly, my first thought was: Is this supposed to be a creative way to ‘honor’ covid ?
Pro’s: unique (if you like unique names), melodious sound
Con’s: reminds of covid, a bit out there
I didn’t think of Covid or convention(al) at all – my first thought was ‘cove’ or ‘current’. However, I do agree that it may not be wearable regarding the current situation – but maybe in future!
[name_f]My[/name_f] first thought was convent and a nun too and I’m not religious at all
Coven… convent… covid. No, sorry.
[name_f]My[/name_f] first thought was anime convention, but I’m probably just a dweeb. I still don’t really associate it with Covid even after reading all the replies
I didn’t think COVID at all, but my first 3 word associations (which which came to me almost immediately) were
Covet (jealousy)
Convent (nuns)
and [name_m]Coven[/name_m] (group of witches)
Personally, I feel this name is more usable if writing a book character where you want the character to be associated with a similar word. If using it on a real-life child, I think there are too many word associations that could make it feel weird