Coventina: thoughts?

Hello berries, what are your honest thoughts on the name Coventina? I’m on the fence on it, and I can’t put on my finger why. What are some pros/cons of this name? Is it too out there, or is it just not wearable?

Sounds kind of like Covid + quarantine to me!


definitely reminds me of covid (i misread it as Covidtina at first) so unfortunately i don’t think it’s wearable


@venezio and @ethelmary that’s fair, lol.

Covid was also my immediate thought :confused:

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nice name, wrong time😂

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I didn’t think of Covid at all, actually! But I did think of the word ‘convent’ and pictured a nun. I think it’s an elegant name with a cool sound.


Wow never would have thought this!

Reminds me immediately of a convent for some reason?? lol

Anyway, thumbs down for me


Huh, never would of thought of Coventina reminding someone of convent, then again maybe it’s bc I’m not religious myself

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Well I never thought of COVID or convent but I did think of covenant. Not a fan a little too out there and unwearable imho

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It reminds me of:

  • a convent
  • convention/conventional
  • covid
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Might be because it’s [name_u]October[/name_u] but my first thought was witch covens!


I thought immediately of a covenant. And although I didn’t think of it when I saw it, I think the ‘cov’ beginning is problematic in the current climate.


Honestly, my first thought was: Is this supposed to be a creative way to ‘honor’ covid ?

Pro’s: unique (if you like unique names), melodious sound
Con’s: reminds of covid, a bit out there

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I didn’t think of Covid or convention(al) at all – my first thought was ‘cove’ or ‘current’. However, I do agree that it may not be wearable regarding the current situation – but maybe in future!

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[name_f]My[/name_f] first thought was convent and a nun too and I’m not religious at all

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Coven… convent… covid. No, sorry.

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[name_f]My[/name_f] first thought was anime convention, but I’m probably just a dweeb. I still don’t really associate it with Covid even after reading all the replies

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I didn’t think COVID at all, but my first 3 word associations (which which came to me almost immediately) were
Covet (jealousy)
Convent (nuns)
and [name_m]Coven[/name_m] (group of witches)

Personally, I feel this name is more usable if writing a book character where you want the character to be associated with a similar word. If using it on a real-life child, I think there are too many word associations that could make it feel weird :woman_shrugging:t3: