Create a Family Together With a Twist

I will give a full name and age for my fictional person or two. I will then write a paragraph, give or take, about the person or people, then tell them who to post next. The next poster will create a person or two that is related to the previous one in some way (it does not have to be by blood–it could be a neighbor, friend, coworker, anything), then tell them who to post next. Ready?

Liana [name_f]Catrina[/name_f] [name_m]Ramirez[/name_m] (22) is an actress, dancer, and martial artist who lives in Los [name_f]Angeles[/name_f]. She has dark brown hair and brown eyes. She is the mommy to a baby daughter.

Next: [name_f]Liana[/name_f]’s baby daughter


Leia [name_f]Alana[/name_f] [name_m]Ramirez[/name_m] [name_u]Cruz[/name_u] is the absolute image of her mother; looks like a baby version of [name_f]Liana[/name_f] in almost every way, especially her dark brown curly hair. The most notable exception is that she has her father’s bright green eyes. [name_f]Leia[/name_f] is a mostly happy and fairly quiet baby.

Next: [name_f]Leia[/name_f]’s father


Luca [name_m]Giancarlo[/name_m] [name_u]Cruz[/name_u] is a family man. [name_f]Liana[/name_f] is the love of his life and [name_f]Leia[/name_f] is the apple of his eye. [name_m]Born[/name_m] in Puerto [name_m]Rico[/name_m], he relocated to Los [name_f]Angeles[/name_f], [name_u]California[/name_u] when he was 19 years old to attend University. Now, he’s 24 and has finished nursing school. His primary focus is paediatrics and he works at Children’s Hospital in Los [name_f]Angeles[/name_f].

Next: [name_u]Luca[/name_u]’s twin sister

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Reina [name_f]Paolina[/name_f] [name_u]Cruz[/name_u] is a creative, headstrong young woman who lives for adventure. She opted to remain in Puerto [name_m]Rico[/name_m] and works in ceramics, although she’s always sending personalised designs and little gifts to her brothers’ family, as well as making trips whenever possible. For eight months when she was 21, she spent some time traveling in [name_f]Asia[/name_f], which is where she met the love of her life.

Next: [name_f]Reina[/name_f]’s girlfriend

Kaneila Iniya Paudel is originally from Lukla, Nepal. Interestingly, her father was once a sherpa for climbers of Mount [name_u]Everest[/name_u]. He has since retired, but Kaneila always brags about the time her father reached the top of the highest mountain in the world. Kaneila worked as a nurse in Lukla before meeting [name_f]Reina[/name_f]. Lukla is a small town, though, so most of her patients were her relatives. [name_f]Reina[/name_f] was one of her more interesting patients. She and Kaneila dated for two years before [name_f]Reina[/name_f] convinced her to move to Puerto [name_m]Rico[/name_m]. Kaneila misses her family, but visits them at least once a year. Although quiet, Kaneila is wicked smart and knows all the answers when she and [name_f]Reina[/name_f] watch Jeopardy. She loves babies and is very excited to visit [name_f]Leia[/name_f].

Next: Kaneila’s Mother-In-[name_m]Law[/name_m] ([name_f]Reina[/name_f] and [name_u]Luca[/name_u]’s mom)

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