Create a Family! Twist!

Warning for deadbeat father and some foul innuendo.

Nellie Clarity Johnson (25) is one of Rachel’s “biscuit friends” and is close as Rachel’s “sole sister”, but she’s never going to rival with their other friend, whose also close with the two. Nellie loves being a blonde like Rachel and having a similar common surname. Nellie loves children and she’s a Ferris Wheel operator at the local childrens’ carnival, something farfetched compared to Rachel’s job, which is the main thing their other friend has in common with Rachel that Nellie doesn’t. It hasn’t affected their friendship however and Nellie adores that the biscuits that she and Rachel have, especially since Nellie believes they taste much better than the ones at the carnival and they’re not “crazy expensive”. Nellie does have a serious cause she volunteers for - she volunteers at a local Boston organisation to provide food and water to children in need. This isn’t a paid job; she’s a volunteer and the organisation is non-profit, but the experience is always worth it.

The idea of this came from her father, who is not the deadbeat father that has made Nellie uneasy. It’s actually Nellie’s eldest sibling, her brother Moby Johnson, who is currently 32. Nellie has tried not to call her brother a Dick over his deadbeat parenting, but feels really bad that he’s never been around in his son’s life and left the mother of his children. In fact Nellie’s father is the only one who’s been there for Moby regularly despite his abandonment of his children although their mother sometimes visits. Nellie herself isn’t close with Moby at all and can’t understand why her brother would abandon his son. The woman raising said son alone was Moby’s ex-fiancée, who had her engagement broken off by him in abrupt circumstances she hasn’t discussed with anyone. Nellie has no children of her own and is afraid to have them with a partner given the possibility of having a deadbeat. She dislikes Rachel’s ex and finds his ways extremely untrustworthy and worried that he would be a permanent deadbeat. However she and the third friend help with Willa and make sure Rachel never feels alone. Likewise, Nellie and her sister Chloe close with their nephew even if Moby isn’t.

Nellie often questions what went wrong with Moby and why he’s a deadbeat father who doesn’t care about anything. The last time Nellie spoke with Moby was a year ago when she argued with him asking why he was so selfish. Nellie works at a kid’s carnival and donates food and water to children, her other brother Harlan was an arcade co-owner who passed away saving a little girl Wave, and her sister Chloe is a practicing midwife who loves her job delivering babies. Moby told off Nellie, “Stop acting like I’m the selfish one. You’re selfish because your charity only helps children when loads of people of all ages are hungry and thirsty. Harlan is selfish because he made his family and friends grieve him over a complete stranger. Chloe is selfish because she thinks she’s such a nurturing person at delivering, but she’s never bothered to bring her own child into the world.” Nellie responded, “Bold of you to say despite you bringing a child into the world, being a complete stranger to him, and making your ex-fiancée provide all his food and drinks.” Nellie knows Chloe doesn’t want to bring in children anytime soon and neither does she, but she does have a nice “dog baby” she lives with, her 6-year-old male golden retriever Charlie. Nellie jokes that her dog has “such an extremely common dog name” to go with “her extremely common last name”. But the name choice has a unique story: it’s a smoosh honour name on every Johnson sibling that is not Moby: Chloe, Harlan, and Nellie. Nellie loves this and only a few close people know that secret and even Moby’s ex-fiancée, who found out on her own, likes it. Nellie secretly would give her first future kid the middle name Charlie for this reason. However as Rachel and their other friend know, it’s not so much a diss against Moby as it is an honour to the three Johnson siblings who actually do care.

(@jinxed_peach @Lindseylloyd052399 @moonwriteen @lemon_swirlxx How do you do?)

Chloe was created by @emily_becca123

Harlan was created by me.

Wave was created by @wandering_willow.