🕊️ create a family w/ a twist

Warning for bad family relationships and aforementioned toxic relationships.

[name_f]Jessabel[/name_f] [name_f]Saige[/name_f] [Silva] Seaman (61) is Paige’s mother, also the mother of The Infamous, though she promises never to actually call her son this. [name_f]Jessabel[/name_f] feels her son was everything she wished she’d avoid – but also senses it’s her fault in a way. She’s his mother, not to mention, a lot of his negative qualities came from her side of the family. [name_f]Jessabel[/name_f] jokes about how embarrassing her last name is, but when asked why she took it, she says she was gonna have “a dozen little sailors”. Obviously she wouldn’t want a dozen children, preferring a respectable two, even though sometimes she secretly doesn’t find her son’s behaviour respectable. Admittedly, he handled his last name better than she did, not being embarrassed and thinking, “I don’t care, that’s our family name”. [name_f]Jessabel[/name_f] had a bad relationship with some of the Silvas and knew this is why she couldn’t stay a [name_f]Silva[/name_f], but wishes she had the nerve to cut them off. [name_f]Jessabel[/name_f] couldn’t imagine cutting off family and lived a life of people telling her, “you just don’t do that.” This compelled her to pursue social science, something she’s glad she at least got from her unpleasant family, and currently teaches this now.

Paige’s name is based from her middle name, which she feels is good enough representation of her name. She wasn’t the type to make a [name_f]Jessabel[/name_f] [name_m]Junior[/name_m] or force [name_f]Silva[/name_f] somewhere. [name_f]Jessabel[/name_f] did eventually distance herself from them before her children became adults, though her son still likes their mentality, finding [name_f]Jessabel[/name_f] “too passive”. Which she is in this case, not knowing whether or not to let her son be with his relationship with them. He’s an adult and can make his own choices, and it would feel hypocritical to try and control him when she’s against his controlling ways. [name_f]Jessabel[/name_f] has always been close to [name_f]Paige[/name_f]. Sometimes she worried that she was too favouring towards her now, especially since she had been very accommodating in the past. She knew [name_f]Paige[/name_f] needed this to accommodate her ADHD but also didn’t want to make her son feel like nothing was ever about him. [name_m]Truth[/name_m] is, [name_f]Paige[/name_f] wasn’t “broken” by any means and her parents knew and wouldn’t treat her as such, but no matter how they tried to even the odds, her brother was never happy. He never tried to be outwardly ableist, but he often pushed for something and never said what it was, and make her feel bad for not getting it. [name_f]Jessabel[/name_f] always felt bad, especially during a time [name_f]Paige[/name_f] was doing great in school, but didn’t want her brother there to celebrate. [name_f]Jessabel[/name_f] wishes now she just complied with Paige’s request, because she knew how difficult it was for [name_f]Paige[/name_f] to ask that, and she could have just sent him to do something with a friend or anything he’d rather do anyway.

She has been there at all the weddings her children had. Deep down, despite her worries about how the Bonovitos will reconnect with her and her husband, she’s glad [name_f]Paige[/name_f] is happier where she is. She and her husband know that Mr. Bonovito and their daughter are happy too. [name_f]Jessabel[/name_f] couldn’t say anything bad about any of her grandchildren, avoiding comparisons just because her son does. She hates to admit it but will for the sake of both [name_f]Angeliki[/name_f] and [name_f]Wendy[/name_f]: she sees herself in both of them. [name_f]Angeliki[/name_f], because she held on and married despite this never fixing their problems, much like [name_f]Jessabel[/name_f] didn’t have the guts to cut off certain relatives. But also [name_f]Wendy[/name_f], because [name_f]Wendy[/name_f] hasn’t had the best relationship with her shaming mother and felt secure with her husband seeing her as a perfect wife for him. But unlike [name_f]Jessabel[/name_f], who’s on cloud nine with her husband, she knows it’s sadly not the same for [name_f]Wendy[/name_f]. One day he’ll find something about her life path he’ll disdain, and he’ll treat her as an inferior for it. Heck, with his silence, he may already have a disdain somewhere, and just simply choose not to tell her now…



[name_f]Serena[/name_f] [name_f]Francesca[/name_f] Bonovito (29) is Paige’s sister-in-law and a little too distanced from [name_f]Jessabel[/name_f]. She knows it’s a process. She listens to foreign music and often likes to get comfortable with soft blankets and pillows. She doesn’t care for winter. She thinks [name_f]Paige[/name_f] is cool and smarter than what her brother says. Also she works in a patenting industry. She has a goldfish named [name_f]Pixie[/name_f]. She thinks [name_f]Wendy[/name_f] is really pretty and wants maxi dresses like her.


[name_f][/name_f][name_f]Fanndís[/name_f] [name_f]Røskva[/name_f] [name_m]Benssen[/name_m] (32) is Serena’s good friend, who also happens to be a co-worker of Paige’s husband. Both of them naturally bond on liking foreign music and [name_f]Fanndís[/name_f] is proudly Scandinavian. Though she loves music from all over and recently found an interest in Latin dance music. She relates to how the awkward Seaman last name, when she was a child, her nickname was [name_f]Fanney[/name_f]. Which unsurprisingly she stopped using when she found out what that means! [name_f]Fanndís[/name_f] practically insists not to be called that and cringes remembering it, [name_f][/name_f] and shes just grateful it wasn’t her given name. If asked whether she’d take someone’s last name if it was embarrassing, it’d be a hard no. [name_m]Born[/name_m] in Svalbard as a result of a hook-up, her parents were never seriously in love, though they were still equal in raising her, which she loved. [name_f]Fanndís[/name_f] is very grateful for them because she couldn’t imagine hooking up and finding out there was a pregnancy from that! Her relationship is close though she’s still cautious. [name_f]Serena[/name_f] isn’t married and [name_f]Fanndís[/name_f] wished she hadn’t been, but both enjoy the single friend life. Obviously [name_f]Wendy[/name_f] isn’t in that vibe and she’s not going to pull [name_f]Wendy[/name_f] in to “be cool”. But [name_f]Fanndís[/name_f] feels [name_f]Wendy[/name_f] is better off single.[name_f][/name_f]

She doesn’t quite know what Wendy’s husband may be holding against her, but she is on the side of thinking they need a divorce. Not the first time he’s divorced, and hopefully he wouldn’t marry again or it wouldn’t be the last. Sure, not everything [name_f]Angeliki[/name_f] did is agreeable to [name_f]Fanndís[/name_f], but she never deserved him either. [name_f]Fanndís[/name_f] herself is actually divorced, nothing she holds against her ex-husband, but they rushed impulsively and didn’t know what they wanted in the marriage. People assume [name_f]Fanndís[/name_f] was still in college or something when the marriage happened, but no, she was actually 30 and about to be 31. So the divorce was relatively recent, and the main reason why she feels it’s too soon to pursue a new relationship. [name_f]Fanndís[/name_f] feels the reason she married was out of pressure from her peers as to why she was 30 and unmarried. Her ex-husband, who was in his late twenties, was also feeling the pressure considering he wanted to make sure it was before[name_f][/name_f] he was 30. They’re not on angry terms thankfully but given Fanndís’s awkward reflection on her past, she doesn’t like to look back at that either. Marriage doesn’t define her and no matter what [name_f]Wendy[/name_f] does, marriage doesn’t define [name_f]Wendy[/name_f] either. She is a beautiful woman with great fashion and career ethic, and she strives away from her toxic mother. [name_f]Wendy[/name_f] is a great mother to [name_m]Cooper[/name_m] and [name_m]Reed[/name_m] despite everything. [name_f]Fanndís[/name_f] also gets along with [name_f]Paige[/name_f] more, seeing how [name_f]Paige[/name_f] comes off as a reaponsible mother and respectful human. [name_f]Paige[/name_f] has never put blame against [name_f]Wendy[/name_f] despite Wendy’s marriage to her horrid brother, and is nothing but compassionate.



[name_f]Janelle[/name_f] ’ [name_f]Jilly[/name_f] ’ [name_f]Ida[/name_f] Moriston (33) is another coworker of [name_f]Fanndís[/name_f] and Mr. Bonovito, who’s actually become closer to the latter more recently. This is because [name_f]Jilly[/name_f] has developed a bit of a crush on [name_f]Fanndís[/name_f], and she knows he’s someone who can be trusted with this information without merely turning it into gossip or entertainment. While she’s never been married, [name_f]Jilly[/name_f] has had bad relationships. Thankfully no-one has been abusive towards her, but jokingly laments she has an ability to pick out people who are great at selling a lie.


She and her last partner lived together for 3 years, but things ended up ending when he wanted her to move with him for a short-term contract. [name_f]Jilly[/name_f] refused as she’s settled and has a good job, as well as a pet [name_m]Cairn[/name_m] Terrier named Noodle to consider in all this, but he wouldn’t budge. They went their separate ways, and [name_f]Jilly[/name_f] is relieved she stuck to her guns instead of letting him convince her to do something seriously anxiety inducing.


Unlike [name_f]Fanndís[/name_f], [name_f]Jilly[/name_f] is less aware of the marriage between Paiges’ brother and [name_f]Wendy[/name_f], specifically the concerns other people share about it. She does know he was cruel towards [name_f]Paige[/name_f], and it only makes [name_f]Jilly[/name_f] appreciate her own brother more, as he was basically the opposite: always coming to her defense and trying to support her. This has been returned most recently as [name_f]Jilly[/name_f] actually had her brother staying with her as he and his family moved to a job in the same city where she works and lives, only unlike Jillys’ ex, this really has benefitted everyone.



CW: prior estrangement, discord, disregard of boundaries


[name_f]Ximene[/name_f] " [name_f]Zizi[/name_f] " [name_f]Daphne[/name_f] Pimienta (18) is Jilly’s assistant and a more recent hire at the company, whose decided to look into an apprentice esq. role rather than going to college. This is partly because [name_f]Zizi[/name_f] wants to remain close to her family, as there’s been issues over the past few years. It’s primarily revolved around her older siblings [name_f][/name_f]- twins [name_f]Naira[/name_f] " [name_f]Nan[/name_f] " and [name_m]Camilo[/name_m] " [name_m]Cam[/name_m] " [name_f][/name_f]- but [name_f]Zizi[/name_f] got sucked into things as the situation worsened.


[name_f]Zizi[/name_f] used to be pretty distant from [name_f]Nan[/name_f], which stemmed from drama between the twins. [name_m]Cam[/name_m] ignored Nan’s boundaries when she started seeing her current boyfriend, and then behaved as if Nan’s frustration was just her being hysterical. Things worsened when [name_m]Cam[/name_m] began seeing his girlfriend, [name_f]Audrie[/name_f], who he encouraged to become close to [name_f]Zizi[/name_f], isolating [name_f]Nan[/name_f] further. Whenever [name_f]Zizi[/name_f] did ask her brother about things, he’d tell her [name_f]Nan[/name_f] was ‘just being Nan’


It did eventually dawn on [name_f]Zizi[/name_f] how [name_m]Cam[/name_m] was behaving when [name_f]Nan[/name_f] announced she was going to be going to college out of state, and he began acting as if it was completely selfish and unreasonable. Given that the twins weren’t even speaking after all the fighting, that made [name_f]Zizi[/name_f] question her brothers’ intentions, as she thought he’d want some space.


A lot of guilt hit [name_f]Zizi[/name_f] [name_f][/name_f] when the real situation became apparent. She knows [name_m]Cam[/name_m] wasn’t being malicious or acted as he did to be cruel, but she’s struggled to forgive him for what he put [name_f]Nan[/name_f] through, especially as she and her sisters’ own bond went through a lot of damage as [name_m]Cam[/name_m] was telling [name_f]Zizi[/name_f] that [name_f]Audrie[/name_f] could act as a big sister to her instead. His idea he was ‘protecting’ his twin was fundamentally wrong, and what everyone [name_f][/name_f]- including their parents [name_f][/name_f]- haven’t gotten over is how he refused to respect Nan’s boundaries at all, even when they impacted her so obviously. Cam’s currently away himself, living with [name_f]Audrie[/name_f], but the recent [name_m]Christmas[/name_m] reunion was pretty uncomfortable as [name_f]Nan[/name_f] (understandably) hasn’t forgiven him for what she went through.


Nan[name_f][/name_f] belongs to @I_meme_it


Cam[name_f][/name_f] & Audrie[name_f][/name_f] belong to @wandering_willow



tw: aforementioned controlling behaviour


[name_m]Ferdinand[/name_m] " [name_m]Free[/name_m] " [name_m]Balthasar[/name_m] [name_m]Purcell[/name_m] (20) is someone else with ties to Zizis’ infamous older brother. He’s the boyfriend of Rho [name_m]Stewart[/name_m], a childhood friend of the Pimienta siblings, who [name_f]Zizi[/name_f] hears from pretty constantly. When [name_m]Free[/name_m] met Rho, things were complicated in his life. Rho was in love with [name_m]Cam[/name_m], who in the midst of his [name_f][/name_f] destructive era, and it made things difficult for he and [name_m]Free[/name_m] to bond on a platonic level. Everything [name_m]Free[/name_m] heard about [name_m]Cam[/name_m] made him uncomfortable and feel negatively towards the object of Rhos’ affections, which worsened thanks to his own


In truth, [name_m]Free[/name_m] loathed [name_m]Cam[/name_m] from everything he heard about him. It was very awkward to address given Rho was in love with [name_m]Cam[/name_m] when this first became apparent, and subsequently wanted to see the best in him. He also knew of when [name_m]Cam[/name_m] and [name_f]Nan[/name_f] were very close, so the idea of such awful behaviour shook him to the core when things came to light. There wasn’t any joy from [name_m]Free[/name_m] when this happened though.


Not only had he come to form his own feelings for Rho during their time spent together, but the shattering of what he knew and trusted was so painful just to witness. It was a year til Rho and [name_m]Free[/name_m] began dating, and they’ve taken things very slowly to ensure nothing becomes too intense. In that time, Rho and [name_f]Nan[/name_f] have rebuilt their own relationship [name_f][/name_f]- independent of [name_m]Cam[/name_m] [name_f][/name_f]- and there hasn’t been much contact between Frees’ boyfriend and the person he once loved. The idea of a relationship, given how [name_m]Cam[/name_m] behaved towards his own sister, now feels the last thing Rho ever would’ve wanted.


Discord aside, Free’s trying to focus on the future. The grandson of a prolific 70s B-Movie actress, Free’s followed in his nanas footsteps by looking to becoming a screenwriter. He has a slight fixation on the camp and unusual as it is, so he’d love to write something as a tribute to her. After all, his middle name was chosen for the main character in one of her most celebrated films!


Rho[name_f][/name_f] belongs to @Devils_Daughter