Create a Family with a Twist: December 2020

Kayra Aubrey Bradbourne (25) is Marius’s live-in girlfriend. Despite being a decade older than her sister Leia, the two are close, both being professional athletes. Leia isn’t even the youngest sibling of their family, they have younger siblings. However Kayra has a dilemma of her own. She’s a professional basketball player but during an important game, she attempted to jump and shoot a basket for the winning point, but fell awkwardly, shattering her ankle. She also didn’t get a basket and lost that game. Being the daughter of a physiotherapist has helped her immensely and she couldn’t be more grateful, especially given the state her ankle was in at the time of the fall. She almost thought the injury would end her career, but what may end her career is her own mentality. The embarrassment is still there and Kayra can’t stop blaming herself for losing that game, feeling like a “klutz” and a “failure”. She’s not sure if she should continue basketball or pursue something else, as her heart has shifted on some other career choices, but usually they’re just something she’s temporarily obsessed with but gets over quickly, which isn’t something she ever felt with her basketball passion. She still isn’t sure which path to go for but thanks Marius for helping her get through this and his loyalty and dependability is unrivaled. She knows Marius has been more romantic with her and assumes that it was because of her hard times, but would be beautifully and happily surprised with him when he proposes.

Leia was created by @cara_murvolio.