🎀 create a family with a twist: family guides

Families from Create A Family (With A Twist!) by cara_murvolio

The Arlingtons

  • Frances ’ Fran ’ Kendra Arlington [50] + Various Fathers
    – Catrinel " Kaylee " Amanda Burkheim [Arlington] [31]
    – Moses " Moe " Zachary Arlington (28)
    – Sandera “ Sandy ” Elenore Arlington [23] [Fathered by Bennett Montclaire]
    – Martina ‘Marty’ Louise Arlington [20] [Fathered by Bennett Montclaire]
    – Rosamund “Rooney” Harlow Arlington [18]
    – Nielsen ” Niel “ Fabian Arlington [16]

  • Catrinel " Kaylee " Amanda Burkheim [Arlington] [31]
  • Mr. Burkheim
    – Rosamund “Rooney” Harlow Arlington [18] [Adopted/Legal Guardianship]
    – Nielsen ” Niel “ Fabian Arlington [16] [Adopted/Legal Guardianship]
    – Biological Daughter

The Burtons

  • Hugh Donald Burton [48]
  • Marsha Rasa Burton [originally Rasa Laurinavičienė] [48]
    – Russell Grant Burton [20]

  • Russell Grant Burton [20]
  • Ella Grace Lynn Arnold [20]
    – Luna Darlene Arnold [4]

The Laurinavičienės
Amelija [Laurinavičienė] Baravykienė [54]
– Marsha Rasa Burton [originally Rasa Laurinavičienė] [48]

The Foys

The Bolingers

  • Mr. Bolinger
    Lauren Grace (Arlington) Bolinger [30]
    Samara Tessa (Garrick) Bolinger [6]
    – Biological Son
    – Unborn Daughter

The Bancrofts

  • Elidi Amber Bancroft [49] + Multiple Ex-Husbands
    – Eloise ’ Lore ’ Jessica Innishall [27]

The quote above is referring to a second cousin once removed of Marty’s mother, Ms. Arlington, who we know know is Caila. The second cousin once removed of your parent would be your own second cousin. So for the sake of clarity I will be referring to the cousins as they are related to Marty. So to reiterate, Caila is Marty’s second cousin. Kat and Lauren are also second cousins of Marty, but I imagine they are through a different sibling of Ms. Arlington since they are not Caila’s sisters. So to clarify in terms hopefully as simple as I can manage, here’s a guide:

Second Cousin, Once Removed = Your Great Grandparent is Their Great Great Grandparent
Second Cousin = You Both Have the Same Great Grandparent

Cousins of Marty

  • Kathryn ‘ Kat ‘ Vivica Arlington [32]
    Second Cousin via Ms. Arlington’s First Sibling
  • Lauren Grace (Arlington) Bolinger [30]
    Second Cousin via Ms. Arlington’s First Sibling, Sister to Kat
  • Caila Elizabeth Foy [29]
    Second Cousin via Ms. Arlington’s Second Sibling

I imagine Kat, Lauren, and Caila are first cousins, they share grandparents.
Kat, Lauren, Caila, and Ms. Arlington are second cousins, once removed, Kat, Lauren, Caila’s great great grandparents are Ms. Arlington’s great grandparents.
Kat, Lauren, Caila and Marty are second cousins, they share great grandparents

updated as of 2/1/24