Create a Family With a Twist

tw: mentions of miscarriage

[name_f]Miriam[/name_f] ’ [name_u]Mirri[/name_u] ’ [name_f]Alice[/name_f] [Franklin] Birkhead (35) is Eli’s sister, the only girl born to her parents, who offered to act as a surrogate for him and her brother-in-law. This ended up not happening thanks to [name_u]Mirri[/name_u] learning she was in fact already pregnant, in spite of she and her husband using protection following the birth of their twin daughters, who’ve just turned seven. While she was disappointed, feeling she’d let [name_u]Eli[/name_u] and [name_u]Charlie[/name_u] down, she couldn’t deny the excitement and joy learning she was expecting once more - especially after seeing how delighted her daughters’ were to find out they’d become big sisters. Her son was born a little prematurely but without complications, and [name_u]Mirri[/name_u] now feels her family’s complete, a sentiment shared by her husband.

Working as a gynecologist, Mirri’s decision was influenced by coming from a large family where fertility was never an issue - aside from one of her aunt’s, who faced a great deal of pain and upset, enduring three miscarriages before giving birth to Mirri’s cousin. She can seem a little aloof and uppity to some people, having quite a clipped manner around those she doesn’t know, but is incredibly compassionate, open-minded and empathetic towards those she works with. In particular, [name_u]Mirri[/name_u] is defensive of her family and assumptions she was pressured into studying medicine, something she’ll always argue against. Like her brother she can speak Hebrew and ASL, but isn’t as linguistically gifted, something she jokingly laments about often to their brothers.