Tw: homelessness, poverty and drug addiction (I’m sorry if this bad or inappropriate, I’ll delete or change it if it is!)
[name_m]Seth[/name_m] [name_m]Horace[/name_m] (24) is a man that [name_m]Alex[/name_m] and his aunt [name_f]Amber[/name_f] have seen often. [name_m]Seth[/name_m] is actually one of the people in Alex’s area that is currently struggling with homelessness and poverty. [name_m]Alex[/name_m] and his family have seen [name_m]Seth[/name_m] around and some have given him money or food. [name_m]Seth[/name_m] has spent a lot of time in various homeless shelters over the years, but they have been temporary. He’s waiting for more opportunities to come his way.
Despite the circumstances and assumptions that are usually placed upon people in his situation, [name_m]Seth[/name_m] is not someone who is addicted to drugs. He is just a man who has fallen on hard times as life has never been particularly kind to [name_m]Seth[/name_m] [name_m]Horace[/name_m]. As good as it is that [name_m]Seth[/name_m] himself has never fallen to the addict lifestyle like practically his whole family, he has been around such things for as long as he could remember.
His parents were alcoholics and drug addicts, and he was an accident baby and an only child. He grew up knowing he wasn’t particularly wanted or cared for. He was right, as very soon after he turned 18 and his parents realized that they legally didn’t need to keep him in their house anymore, Seth’s father threw all of Seth’s things out in the yard, an unmistakable sign that he was no longer wanted or needed there. He left, and for a while he slept on the couches of his friends as he tried to work to get his own place. However, seeing as he had not graduated highschool he found it difficult to hold down a job. His friends at the time weren’t able to keep him there forever, and just earlier this year he received an eviction notice on the front door of the cheap apartment he had been staying in. [name_m]Seth[/name_m] found himself once again having no place to stay. He was back on the street and has been for about 4 months now.
Despite the difficulty of his living situation and circumstances, [name_m]Seth[/name_m] [name_m]Horace[/name_m] is a very kind and gentle man who just wants to find people who care about him. Several people have given him tips and food and offers of work during the time he was doing homework, and currently he is willing to do any job asked of him so he could get cash and/or food. [name_m]Seth[/name_m] is desperately lonely and feels as if his life isn’t going to go anywhere, but he tries to remain hopeful and think about the possibility of better times. There is a middle aged woman who frequently buys him something from the store and talks to him and tries to help. He knows this woman is attempting to find him a permanent place to live, as although she cares for [name_m]Seth[/name_m] she doesn’t think him staying with her would work with her 3 small children.