[name_f]Zarouhi[/name_f] “Zee” [name_f]Day[/name_f] Kachard (2) is Trent’s daughter and pretty much the heart of why he ummed and ahhed about going on the date with [name_f]Mikayla[/name_f]. Explaining having a child at a young age hasn’t always been easy for [name_m]Trent[/name_m], even though his ex has no problems with him returning to the dating world, as he’s a devoted and supportive father to [name_f]Zee[/name_f], who adores him.
That’s part of the issue in its own way, as [name_f]Zee[/name_f] loves how close she and her dad are, already showing signs of loving sports like him with her energetic and spirited nature. Her grandparents - both sides - aren’t sure how she’d take to her dad forming a relationship, given how it could change her perception of family, which means everything to her.
This is more pronounced as Zee’s mom is Armenian-American and ties to that culture is something she loves a lot, so there would be a steep learning curve for [name_f]Mikayla[/name_f] should things venture into a more serious territory between her and [name_m]Trent[/name_m]. He obviously wants to put his child first, so he’s still being careful while thinking about what could come next for everyone.