Create a Family [With a Twist]

Warning for bullying by teachers.

Pietro Niccolo Olson-Giannini (24) is Ollie’s good friend who’s excited to see him back. He finds Ollie a very intelligent person and senses his wit would make a massive impact. He doesn’t associate with Edurra since her flirtatious nature isn’t his style but accepts she’s masterful at what she does and is far from an airhead. Anyone who wants to backstab Ollie or Edurra; it’s not going to work. As for Pietro himself, he’s gone through worries growing up after some of the strictness of his past teachers, after leaving his desire for acting as a tween from the toxic nature of his past teachers. He never had any childhood friends. Mr. Cratsley, his acting teacher at the time, really hurt him emotionally and made it clear he wouldn’t have a chance. He’s struggled mentally due to the way this teacher mistreated him at the time, making him feel like he’d never amount to anything, the opposite of how he believed teachers should be. It stung being at that school as a kid because he knew teachers could bully him and get away with it and that the school wouldn’t believe him. Thankfully his younger siblings Faun and Calixto, both in their early teens, didn’t go to that school when they grew up and are in a nice school taught by Mx. Nicholson, a great acting teacher. Alongside his mother Bonnie who defended and supported him while no school faculty member did.

Pietro is also a medical intern for Trinity General and has a part-time job working in the administrative office. He and Ollie bond on being smart people with a silent knowledge and Pietro believes Ollie will definitely solve the stalking ordeal. It’s actually not the first time Ollie has helped Talia Lee although the first time was a crucial moment for Talia’s life. She had given birth to her daughter Madelyn and wanted to keep the pregnancy and birth ideas private, which was ruined by a viral post on her birth. Pietro himself didn’t notice the oddity, assuming Talia just wanted the baby to be a surprise through-and-through. But Ollie did deeper searching and found out the viral post was done not by Talia but by her corrupt social media manager on her account. Ollie managed to get information on this and have that manager fired for exploiting a private, personal moment, something Talia Lee is grateful for. Thankfully this didn’t negatively affect Talia Lee’s career. As for Pietro, he’s become a more vocal voice for protection of actors and for juveniles as well seeing Madelyn is just a baby, Talia Lee has been famous since juvenile years, and Pietro himself knows what it’s like to not be protected from harassment and mistreatment as a juvenile…and he wasn’t even famous.

He does understand what Vance is going through and tried to guide him to the best he can although he’s pretty certain Vance would not want him as someone trying to give big-brotherly advice. Pietro is younger after all and Vance’s sole elder sibling is deceased and Pietro wouldn’t want to replace her. He just wants to relate because he knows Vance’s life is difficult but that stalking a celebrity isn’t the answer. It’s best to just get through the emotional damage now while Vance is still innocent rather than let him go by on his stalking plans and be unsympathetic. He isn’t forcing Vance to go back into Trinity General but he genuinely has a feeling of wanting people to be okay and trying to stop horrible things from happening whenever he can. He feels if he wasn’t supported by his mother Bonnie and father Anthony growing up, that he would have been a bully himself. Pietro doesn’t have desire to work with plays although he supports his siblings all the way, although he does like to paint. Most of his paintings are in black and white with occasional colour and he hasn’t discussed what the meanings are behind his paintings, making it questionable whether he intended a distinct meaning or whether it was intentionally open-ended. He’s even gifted Vance one of the paintings, once of his more mysterious works, but one that really feels like it will speak to him. He has a closeness with Leila and Beth at Trinity General, alongside a few other nurses and interns. And while he doesn’t like when parents overshare their babies, he knows the next baby-to-be won’t have this, not by his parents Beth and David, and not by anyone else. Relatives and friends of the couple have been very excited for Beth, since she’s going to have a family addition – the birth of her son Kian!

Madelyn was created by @Lindseylloyd052399. Calixto was created by me and named by @michelledee at Name the class (twist). Faun, Mr. Cratsley, Bonnie, and Anthony were created by @moonwriteen in the same game, with Faun named by @kitkatcookie. Aged up 1 year for thread setting accuracy.