[name_f]Maybelle[/name_f] [name_f]Catherine[/name_f] [name_m]Osmond[/name_m] (82) is the opera vocal coach [name_f]Giulietta[/name_f] thanks for her success in opera. Ironically [name_f]Maybelle[/name_f] didn’t actually teach opera until she was in her 60s and while she grew up appreciating it and and sang opera as a hobby, she was pursuing other talents instead. She grew up as the daughter of two film actors, both of whom started their careers as silent film actors before going to sound films before going to colour films. Doing so put pressure on her to be a movie actress as well and she starred in movies. She didn’t star in as many as her parents mainly because she couldn’t quite escape their shadow and because she didn’t have the willpower they had. She liked it but felt listening to directors and doing multiple takes until she nailed what they wanted was not “creative” or “artsy” in her mind. She was just too dramatic of an actress for the big screen and when she played, she always had the same similar roles and couldn’t branch out.
[name_f][/name_f]So did she turn to opera right away? Well, supposedly but not quite. The only opera she starred in at that time was a soap opera[name_f][/name_f]. A lot of people laugh or say [name_f][/name_f] when they hear she was a former soap opera actress but her dramatic acting skills worked for it. While it’s less surprising now seeing that [name_f]Maybelle[/name_f] is an old woman and most soap operas tend to be viewed to that audience; [name_f]Maybelle[/name_f] was in her thirties when she started and acted for over twenty years until leaving. She said that she could be doing this longer but didn’t like the way the writers were doing the seasons and hated how her characters were portrayed. It was only in her sixties that she decided to make her lifetime hobby of opera become a career.
[name_f][/name_f]Now at 82, [name_f]Maybelle[/name_f] has become a vocal coach for opera. She doesn’t quite have that opera voice she used to have and retired from performing, but she’s grateful she had it for over sixty years and only regrets not doing so sooner. [name_f]Maybelle[/name_f] is inspired by [name_f]Giulietta[/name_f] and encourages her to go after the man she loves. [name_f]Giulietta[/name_f] hasn’t told [name_f]Maybelle[/name_f] about her sister liking her boyfriend at some point since it’s probably not the best idea to tell relationship drama to someone who used to act in soap operas. However [name_f]Maybelle[/name_f] does know a bit about Giulietta’s family since one of Giulietta’s cousins and one of her friends also does opera. [name_f]Maybelle[/name_f] often tells the [name_f]Lotti[/name_f] siblings all about Giulietta’s success when she’s away traveling. Giulietta’s friends in opera inspire [name_f]Giulietta[/name_f] when [name_f]Maybelle[/name_f] isn’t around and know that [name_f]Giulietta[/name_f] is closer now with her boyfriend although no marriage plans are yet in order.