I saw this article about how some mothers create Facebook, Twitter, etc. accounts for their unborn or newborn babies, or reserve [name_m]Web[/name_m] pages under their names. Someone called it a “digital trust fund”.
I don’t feel it’s really necessary. The way technology is changing, by the time today’s babies are old enough to use social media there will probably be different websites anyways. Though who knows…
Interesting thought. Having a website might not be a bad idea, as you can keep them pretty private if you own the domain name. I do agree that our social media will probably be outdated once our little ones are old enough to use it, though
My brother and [name_m]SIL[/name_m] created an e-mail address for my little nephew so that people can send him messages which he can read later. I thought that was adorable. I wouldn’t do social media accounts. 13 years ago, I was still using ICQ (yep, I’m old) and MSN Messenger. Facebook hadn’t been invented yet and Pinterest and Twitter were far far in the future. By the time any child of mine is 13 and old enough for Facebook or Twitter, I can’t imagine they will still be around.
I read a thing not that long ago about setting up an email for your child so that you can email pictures and letters to the account and when they turn 18, you give them the password so they can go back and look at all those pictures and videos you emailed them and read all the thoughts and musings you’ve put down to share with them for the last 18 years. I thought that was actually very sweet.
I set up a blog, for those who don’t remember, for [name_f]Persephone[/name_f]. I blogged to her every month and sometimes every week. Letters and thoughts about how I was feeling being pregnant with her, the ultrasound pictures are over there. I’ll probably keep adding things at every birthday and other random times, pictures and the like and I’ll give it to her when she’s older.