I think it’s important to think about what was lacking or damaged in the treatment that you received growing up. I think that it seems like you want to parent your child with awareness and that says a lot about how great your future relationship will probably be!
I have a daughter, but she’s just over 1 so it’s pretty easy now! I am very aware of being consistent with my expectations of her behavior. I think it’s important not to make the rules change with Mom’s mood. I think boundaries and rules are important.
I also think that it’s important to talk about people as if they were your daughter…whether people in your life or people on TV…so I try not to judge anyone’s clothes, body, sex life, life choices, ect…I try not to criticize or complain about things that don’t matter very much. I feel like you can tell your daughter how beautiful she is every day, but if you talk about how ugly so-and-so looked the other day they will feel they live in a world of judgment & cruelty. (replace beauty in this scenario with intelligence or talent or anything) This breeds insecurity.
[name]Don[/name]'t try to be best friends. The friendship part will happen later.
[name]Don[/name]'t underestimate her abilities, don’t hold on too tightly. [name]Do[/name] watch closely. Teenagers say so much without words. Look to how she carries herself, what she is passionate about & interested in, this could speak volumes.