Creative Entrepreneur Mamas

[name_m]Hi[/name_m] everyone! I wanted to start a thread for new moms, moms-to-be and those TTC that are creatives, small business owners and/or work-from-home entrepreneurs. Here’s a little about me:

I’m 26, married for 3 years (together for 11, we were high school sweethearts). Last [name_f]April[/name_f], I quit my day job to pursue my own interior design business full-time. My goal was/is to build my business to the point that I can have the flexibility to find my own balance as a working mom someday. I’m off birth control and tracking my cycle, but we aren’t planning to start trying until [name_f]September[/name_f] 2017. I’m an INFJ, so generally introverted and introspective, and definitely struggling with some pre-TTC blues. I’m looking to connect with other moms and future moms for support and friendship as we all navigate the world of pregnancy, parenthood & creative business together!

P.S. If you like podcasts, I recently discovered “Shailey & [name_f]Katie[/name_f]: Design Moms Finding the [name_f]Happy[/name_f] Balance as Work-From-Home Entreprenuers”. Here’s the link if you want to listen! Shailey & Katie's Lemonade Stand: Design Moms Finding the Happy Balance as Work-from-home Entrepreneurs Podcast - Apple Podcasts

Hey there,
I’m a qualified photographer and graphic designer, but am currently working in admin because we live in a rural city and there are no jobs in my area. I’d really like to start putting together my own creative practice, but struggling with the motivation to start.
Like you, my goal is to have a flexible business that I can run from home even when we do have kids. My hubby is still studying and working full-time, so we are kinda stuck where we are for the next 5 years or so. We both happily move, and I’d love to be somewhere with more work opportunity, but it’s just not an option… #frustrating

I’m interested to see who else is in this boat and their plans and ideas. :slight_smile: Looking forward to this thread.

@merrywifeofwindsor - wow, that’s really neat about interior design. I always was slightly interested in interior design, but I don’t have the eye for it. [name_f]Hope[/name_f] that it will work well with having littles at home.

@mummacat92 - photography and graphic design are so cool. I hope that you can accomplish your goal soon.

In the fall I will teach one class in class at a university, and then one online at home. I’ve taught previously, but with only one little, not two. I have a 2.5 year old and an expecting baby no. 2 in 16 days. I am interested to see how I will juggle the online course with two littles at home. I am excited though to make a little extra money while still being able to spend the majority of my time with my girls.