
[name]Just[/name] wondering if anyone thinks this name is at all usable, or even attractive. It’s one of my main GP names… I used it on a character once and just fell in love with it. Main NN would be [name]Sidda[/name], occasionally [name]Sid[/name].

WDYT? Usable in real life, or best left on the guilty pleasure list?

I like it-- I think [name]Marion[/name] [name]Chesney[/name] used it as name for one of her characters in a 1980s regency romance and the nn was Cressy. However, since Toyota used it for a car model, this might be the unfortunate association with the name.

I love [name]Cressida[/name]! [name]Sidda[/name] and [name]Sid[/name] are lovely nicknames too. I don’t think its too strange to be used in real life either.