Critique our list

I’m pregnant which was very not planned and not expected but it means we have to re-look at name lists.

First name has to be [name_m]French[/name_m] and I prefer dated, old fashioned, even ‘why did you do that to a child’ names but we don’t live in a [name_m]French[/name_m] speaking country.

Clémence / Clémentine

[name_f]Albertine[/name_f] - love it, a great feminisation!
[name_f]Antoinette[/name_f] - a bit on the nose with the [name_m]French[/name_m]-ness I feel, since most people know the name in relation to ‘let them eat cake’.
[name_f]Apolline[/name_f] - lovely
[name_m]Beno[/name_m]îte - it looks nice, but as a non-[name_m]French[/name_m] speaker I think I would find it hard.
[name_f]Bernadette[/name_f] - lovely
Bénédicte - nice
[name_f]Claudine[/name_f] - nice
Clémence / Clémentine - it’s ok, [name_f]Clementine[/name_f] would be ok in a non-[name_m]French[/name_m] speaking country, [name_f]Clemence[/name_f] might have a harder time.
[name_u]Constantine[/name_u] - I find this name very masculine (I know two make Konstantins)
[name_f]Domitille[/name_f] - it looks cool, but I have on idea how to say it.
[name_f]Ernestine[/name_f] - I like it
Eusébie - I think I can pronounce it, but I don’t really like it, sorry.
[name_u]Fran[/name_u]çoise - Again perhaps a little on the nose with the [name_m]French[/name_m]-ness (you might like that though)
Hectorine - I’m not a fan, sorry.
Immaculée - It’s cool, but a bit intense as a name I feel
[name_f]Isaure[/name_f] - If I’m guessing the pronunciation correctly, I like it
[name_f]Jocelyne[/name_f] - nice
[name_m]Jos[/name_m]éphine - nice, very well known outside of [name_f]France[/name_f]
[name_u]Laurence[/name_u] - I feel this is too much of a boys name
Léopoldine - very cool, possibly fits your ‘why would you do that style’ the best
[name_f]Mercedes[/name_f] - I like the name, but I feel like most people will just think you named her after the cars
[name_f]Paulette[/name_f] - nice
Pétronille - If I’m saying it right, I really like it
Pélagie - If I’m saying it right, I really like it
Philothée - I’m not sure anyone would ever say it correctly
Zélie - cool and cute

Top choices: [name_f]Albertine[/name_f], [name_f]Apolline[/name_f], [name_f]Bernadette[/name_f], [name_f]Isaure[/name_f], [name_f]Leopoldine[/name_f], [name_f]Josephine[/name_f], [name_f]Petronille[/name_f], [name_f]Zelie[/name_f].

I like:


I like:

[name_m]Don[/name_m]'t like:
Benoite (too similar to a dirty word in English)
Francoise (sounds masculine)
[name_u]Laurence[/name_u] (same)
Immaculee (teasing potential)

I love [name_f]Albertine[/name_f], [name_f]Bernadette[/name_f], [name_f]Claudine[/name_f], [name_f]Ernestine[/name_f], Eusébie, [name_m]Jos[/name_m]éphine, and Pélagie. My favorite [name_m]French[/name_m] name is actually not [name_m]French[/name_m], the Internet seems to agree that this one is [name_m]German[/name_m]. But there are so many [name_m]French[/name_m] people online with this name, if you Google it, they all pop up. Ludivine. It was in my very first name book I got when I was nine years old, and I fell in love with it. My mother surprised me and actually got it for me at the check out counter at the supermarket, so needless to say, it wasn’t insanely accurate, this book listed it as [name_m]French[/name_m]. But several sites I’ve been on say it’s [name_m]German[/name_m]. This site doesn’t have a listing, but many, many Berries have listed it on forums.

I’m pleasantly surprised with the response [name_f]Albertine[/name_f] is getting, but a I think the mild anglicisation may annoy me eventually…

I know a couple of [name_m]French[/name_m] speaking Ludivine. Nice but for a various reasons not in consideration

Congratulations! Your mix of old [name_m]French[/name_m]/Irish is so wonderfully archaic feeling, I love it. Since your list is pretty strong, I’m assuming you’re not looking for ‘‘this doesn’t work in English’’-type comments so I’ll leave them out.

My preferences, with favourites in bold -

Clémence - one of my favourite [name_m]French[/name_m] names because I knew a lovely little girl who was a Clémence. So charming.
[name_u]Constantine[/name_u] -makes me think of the saint, and [name_f]Constance[/name_f] is one of my favourites. Gorgeous.
[name_f]Ernestine[/name_f] - so wonderful.
Eusébie - never come across this but it’s really charming.
[name_f]Isaure[/name_f] - I only discovered this recently and it’s gorgeous
[name_u]Laurence[/name_u] - my Irish grandfather has this name but for some reason I love love the idea of it for a little girl.
Léopoldine - this one is just so much fun.
[name_f]Mercedes[/name_f] - So timeless
[name_f]Paulette[/name_f] - initially didn’t like this because I’m not a [name_m]Paul[/name_m]/[name_f]Pauline[/name_f] fan, but it’s really lovely! Reminds me of the film Ponsette too haha.
Zélie - I know an Irish woman with this name actually. It’s beautiful.

[name_f]Geraldine[/name_f], [name_f]Pernella[/name_f], [name_f]Edith[/name_f], Azénor, [name_f]Laure[/name_f], [name_f]Yseult[/name_f], [name_f]Erminie[/name_f]/[name_f]Herminie[/name_f] & [name_f]Sistine[/name_f]/[name_f]Sixtine[/name_f] would be my suggestions. I’m also a big fan of [name_f]Marguerite[/name_f], [name_f]Agathe[/name_f], [name_f]Isaline[/name_f], [name_f]Delphine[/name_f], [name_f]Faustine[/name_f], [name_f]Amandine[/name_f] and [name_f]Mathilde[/name_f] but I’m assuming they’re too on trend for what you’re after?

[name_f]Albertine[/name_f] - this is such a strong and elegant name, it’s not one I would have thought I’d like, but it’s actually really rather lovely
[name_f]Antoinette[/name_f] - pretty and girly, but will always make me think of [name_f]Marie[/name_f] [name_f]Antoinette[/name_f]
[name_f]Apolline[/name_f] - I know a few [name_f]Apolline[/name_f]‘s and they’re all absolutely delightful! The name itself is also gorgeous and I love that you can use nickname [name_f]Apple[/name_f] for this (although I don’t know if that would be your style)
[name_m]Beno[/name_m]îte - I adore [name_m]Benoit[/name_m] on a boy, but I’m not sure how I feel about [name_m]Beno[/name_m]îte, I think the ending sound not very attractive.
[name_f]Bernadette[/name_f] - this feels very clunky-cute, and it’s really growing on me
Bénédicte - this is another one when I adore the male variant. However, I think Bénédicte is actually really lovely for a girl, and I adore the meaning
[name_f]Claudine[/name_f] - I love [name_u]Claude[/name_u] on a boy, which is on your boys’ list, so I’d scrap [name_f]Claudine[/name_f] for that reason, but [name_f]Claudine[/name_f] is a sweet and elegant name
Clémence / Clémentine - I prefer Clémence to Clémentine, because while I find the first one elegant and unusual, I find the second a little bit cloyingly sweet with the [name_m]French[/name_m] pronunciation.
[name_u]Constantine[/name_u] - this one is all boy to me, I can’t see it on a girl at all
[name_f]Domitille[/name_f] - this personally doesn’t appeal to me due to the assumed meaning of ‘having been tamed’, and I also find the sounds a little unattractive.
[name_f]Ernestine[/name_f] - [name_m]Ernest[/name_m] has been growing on me recently, and I think [name_f]Ernestine[/name_f] would work well too. It’s got the same clunky-cute vibe as [name_f]Bernadette[/name_f], and it feels kind of funky and vintage-y
Eusébie - I like the sound of this a lot, it’s very pretty
[name_u]Fran[/name_u]çoise - this is a solid and classic-feeling name, but it just doesn’t feel as special as some of your other choices
Hectorine - I’m not a fan of it, I find the lock of ‘hect’ really unattractive
Immaculée - this is such a stunning name! I think it could be quite tricky to pull off though, I think I’d prefer it as part of a double name or in the middle spot, as the meaning and links would give a little girl quite a lot to live up to!
[name_f]Isaure[/name_f] - I adore this! It’s absolutely gorgeous and so elegant and unusual and feels kind of mystical and wonderful!
[name_f]Jocelyne[/name_f] - I slightly prefer [name_f]Jocelyn[/name_f] on a boy I think, but [name_f]Jocelyne[/name_f] is pretty too. It feels a bit dated, but not in a clunky-chic way like [name_f]Ernestine[/name_f]
[name_m]Jos[/name_m]éphine - a beautiful name, but not quite as intriguing as some of your other choices. It is super pretty though, and I much prefer it in [name_m]French[/name_m] than in English
[name_u]Laurence[/name_u] - I really like [name_u]Laurence[/name_u] on a girl, but only in double name combos, as it feels kind of masculine to me otherwise
Léopoldine - I just adore Léo- names, and this one is no exception! It’s so pretty yet strong and worldly
[name_f]Mercedes[/name_f] - I love this in Spanish, but I’m not really sure how it’s pronounced in [name_m]French[/name_m]. Does it have a hard D ending or a like an ‘ay’ sound like the “é”? For me, it doesn’t really fit with your other names as it feels like its from a different culture
[name_f]Paulette[/name_f] - this feels a little too cutesy old lady next to your other names, which give off a stronger, more womanly vibe. I just find it a little dull
Pétronille - this is lovely. I like how striking and unusual it is
Pélagie - I love the soft sounds of this name and the links to the sea, it’s just such a stunning name!
Philothée - I find this a little tongue-twister-y, it doesn’t really appeal. The meaning is pretty though!
Zélie - beautiful name, but it feels a little incomplete next to your sons’ names, and next to some of your other choices. Would you consider the full Azélie? I think it works a bit better with your other choices

You don’t have to answer this, but I was just wondering if you’re Catholic? You’ve got a lot of Catholic-y names/saints’ names on your lists…

Thanks! Old [name_m]French[/name_m]/Irish archaic is exactly what I was going for.

The fact that there are a few famous-ish old Irish men with the name [name_u]Laurence[/name_u] both makes me like it more and makes me double think it.

Thanks for the suggestions, yes the second lots are a bit too on trend for me, even if they are nice


I had never thought about a double first name for a girl. Only men have them in my family not the women but it may be a way to get some of the names I like but don’t really work as well as a fn…
I love [name_u]Claude[/name_u] on a girl more than a boy if I am honest but my DH wont let me have it

[name_m]Merc[/name_m]édès ends in an almost -dez sound. But I do agree it feels less [name_m]French[/name_m]. Which is my issue with [name_f]Albertine[/name_f] that [name_m]Albert[/name_m] is such a used named in English it would understandbly get an English pronounciation

Maybe Azélie would be better.

And yes the Catholic bit, not very religious but we would certainly tick it on a form and bringing the kids up Catholic


I’m concerned that [name_f]Albertine[/name_f] will get an English pronunciation which is making me rethink it.

Bolded my favorites.

[name_f]Albertine[/name_f] – In [name_m]French[/name_m] this is lovely, not the biggest fan in English.
[name_f]Antoinette[/name_f] – Ironically all of the people I know with this name aren’t remotely [name_m]French[/name_m]. In general, it feels very frilly and I’m not the biggest fan.
[name_f]Apolline[/name_f] – This one is my favorite from your list. Absolutely gorgeous, and I think it strikes the exact feeling/style I think you’re going for.
[name_m]Beno[/name_m]îte – Nms but cute.
[name_f]Bernadette[/name_f] – This is cute.
Bénédicte – I like this one, but you’d run into mixups with the much more familiar [name_m]Benedict[/name_m].
[name_f]Claudine[/name_f] – Again, this is just one of those feminized names that sounds lovely in [name_m]French[/name_m] but, to me, rather unattractive in English.
Clémence / Clémentine - [name_u]Love[/name_u] both of these. I think you’d have some difficulty with the pronunciation of Clémentine in a non-[name_m]French[/name_m] speaking country, but I’ll disagree with some earlier posters in that I think Clémence is familiar enough because of actress Clémence [name_f]Poesy[/name_f].
[name_u]Constantine[/name_u] – More evocative of [name_m]Roman[/name_m] emperors than [name_m]French[/name_m] ladies for me.
[name_f]Domitille[/name_f] – I think this would be very difficult to pronounce for non-[name_m]French[/name_m] speakers.
[name_f]Ernestine[/name_f] – Cute.
Eusébie – I prefer Euphrasie.
[name_u]Fran[/name_u]çoise – [name_m]Will[/name_m] forever remind me of [name_u]Fran[/name_u]çoise [name_m]Hardy[/name_m], but not in a bad way. Chic 60s vibes.
Hectorine – [name_m]Hector[/name_m] feels like a very masculine name to me, I’m not sure if I like it feminized.
Immaculée – Dunno whether you’re religious or not, but either way this one feels like a heavy name to carry.
[name_f]Isaure[/name_f] – Pretty, but I’m afraid in an English-speaking country it’d get butchered as “eyesore.”
[name_f]Jocelyne[/name_f] – Is this pronounced like [name_f]Joceline[/name_f] or [name_f]Jocelyn[/name_f]? Either way: a lifetime of correcting pronunciation and spelling.
[name_m]Jos[/name_m]éphine – Pretty.
[name_u]Laurence[/name_u] – I see this one as a boys’ name.
Léopoldine – [name_f]Lovely[/name_f], though I prefer [name_f]Leonine[/name_f].
[name_f]Mercedes[/name_f] – Too much associated with the car brand for me.
[name_f]Paulette[/name_f] – My one association with this name is the hairdresser from Legally Blonde.
Pétronille – Very sweet. [name_f]Petra[/name_f] would be a cute nickname.
Pélagie – For some reason this just made me think of the word “elegy.”
Philothée – See [name_f]Domitille[/name_f].
Zélie – Cute. Feels more like a nickname, to me.

[name_f]Lovely[/name_f], intriguing list! I’ve put my favourites in bold.

[name_f]Albertine[/name_f] - Elegant and sweet. For me it’s part of the fun of names that they will be pronounced differently and translated in different parts of the world, but in any case I don’t think the English “[name_m]AL[/name_m]-buh-teen” is different enough from the [name_m]French[/name_m] “al-BARE-teen” for it to butcher the name.

[name_f]Antoinette[/name_f] - It’s so heavily tied to [name_f]Marie[/name_f] [name_f]Antoinette[/name_f] that I prefer [name_f]Antonine[/name_f].

[name_f]Apolline[/name_f] - Very pretty, but on trend in [name_f]France[/name_f] in that “Parisian chic” way which tends to niggle me. It hasn’t got as much backbone as some of the other options on your list.

[name_m]Beno[/name_m]îte - Unusual but very wearable; altogether pleasant.

[name_f]Bernadette[/name_f] - Strong, feminine and beautiful. I like the connection to [name_m]Saint[/name_m] [name_f]Bernadette[/name_f], as well.

Bénédicte - I like this even more than [name_m]Beno[/name_m]îte. Graceful and powerful.

[name_f]Claudine[/name_f] - A bit too much of the stereotypical “[name_m]French[/name_m] girl” name.

Clémence / Clémentine - Both are lovely, but I particularly like Clémence, which has a warm and sweet simplicity Clémentine lacks.

[name_u]Constantine[/name_u] - I think of it as a man’s name, but it could still be beautiful on a woman.

[name_f]Domitille[/name_f] - Stunning!

[name_f]Ernestine[/name_f] - This has the same feel as [name_f]Albertine[/name_f]. I do think, though, a name so obviously meaning “earnest” might be a bit oppressive for a child.

Eusébie - [name_f]Lovely[/name_f] and unusual, and the meaning is nice as well.

[name_u]Fran[/name_u]çoise - Smart and charming.

Hectorine - Intriguing and beautiful.

Immaculée - Another lovely one.

[name_f]Isaure[/name_f] - I prefer [name_f]Iseult[/name_f], but [name_f]Isaure[/name_f] has the advantage of not being connected to the tragic tale.

[name_f]Jocelyne[/name_f] - I have never been huge on the [name_f]Jocelyn[/name_f] crew for some reason, and I slightly prefer the spelling Josseline.

[name_m]Jos[/name_m]éphine - Classic and pretty.

[name_u]Laurence[/name_u] - People in the English-speaking world would assume [name_u]Laurence[/name_u] was a boy, which could be a bit of a headache, despite it being a lovely name for a woman.

Léopoldine - This makes me think of [name_m]Victor[/name_m] [name_m]Hugo[/name_m]'s ill-fated daughter. It’s a pretty name.

[name_f]Mercedes[/name_f] - I don’t like this. The car association is too strong, and the name comes across as a bit pretentious.

[name_f]Paulette[/name_f] - [name_f]Paulette[/name_f] seems a bit light and fluffy compared to the more solid [name_f]Pauline[/name_f] - they’re comparable to the difference in feel of [name_f]Antoinette[/name_f] and [name_f]Antonine[/name_f].

Pétronille -

Pélagie - I adore this! Its meaning is so evocative, and the name is the best combination of strength and prettiness.

Philothée - Beautiful. The meaning is lovely, and the name is strong, interesting, and just rolls off the tongue.

Zélie - It feels like the odd one out of the list, having a light and modern feel.

Some suggestions:


[name_f]Hortense[/name_f], Philomène and [name_f]Eglantine[/name_f] are huge favourites of mine.


I think as much as like [name_f]Albertine[/name_f] the English pronunciation now means I have to take it off the list.
Some of your comments have given me a lot to think about, thanks
Philomène, hmmm
[name_u]Colombe[/name_u] is nice but it would read like we were naming a girl after DH which he doesn’t want

[name_f]Leopoldine[/name_f] is beyond gorgeous. I also like [name_f]Albertine[/name_f], [name_f]Mercedes[/name_f] [nn [name_f]Mercy[/name_f]/[name_f]Merry[/name_f]!!], [name_f]Bernadette[/name_f], [name_f]Apolline[/name_f], and [name_f]Isaure[/name_f] [never heard of it before, but lovely!].

My 5 favorites from your list, ranked from favorite to least favorite:

[name_f]Bernadette[/name_f] - one of my favorite names of all time!
[name_f]Zelie[/name_f] - so pretty!
[name_f]Claudine[/name_f] - I slightly prefer [name_f]Claudette[/name_f]… I love the clunky nickname [name_u]Claude[/name_u] (it’s a gp of mine)
[name_f]Leopoldine[/name_f] - I think this would be really elegant and gorgeous on a little girl
[name_f]Antoinette[/name_f] - pretty and familiar, easy to say and spell.

I like Zélie, Philothée, [name_f]Isaure[/name_f], Léopoldine, [name_f]Ernestine[/name_f] & [name_f]Albertine[/name_f]. I’m not sure people would pronounce Philothée correctly.

If you are looking for an old-fashioned [name_m]French[/name_m] name, I would advice you to go with [name_f]Albertine[/name_f], [name_f]Ernestine[/name_f], Josephine, Léopoldine, Zélie or [name_f]Isaure[/name_f]. They are really old-fashioned and I think pronounceable in an English speaking country.

[name_u]Laurence[/name_u], [name_f]Paulette[/name_f], [name_f]Jocelyne[/name_f], [name_f]Bernadette[/name_f] (I actually quite like this one), [name_f]Antoinette[/name_f] (same), [name_u]Fran[/name_u]çoise, [name_f]Claudine[/name_f] are not old-fashioned but really out-dated for [name_m]French[/name_m] people. [name_f]Apolline[/name_f], [name_f]Domitille[/name_f], Clémence/Clémentine, [name_u]Constantine[/name_u] feel more classic.

[name_f]Mercedes[/name_f] is not a french name, Immaculée is not a name either and I don’t think it’s wearable, sorry. I’ve never heard of Hectorine or [name_m]Beno[/name_m]îte. But Hectorine sounds nice!

I have never liked Pétronille, Pélagie, Bénédicte.

So I would keep:
[name_f]Albertine[/name_f], my favorite (even though I prefer Albertille, pronounced Albertie)
[name_f]Ernestine[/name_f], I love it
Zélie, I love it
[name_f]Isaure[/name_f], I love it

I like both clearly old-fashioned and very dated names. [name_m]Hence[/name_m] the mix, I’m certainly not just looking at the more classic old fashioned names

I worry about Philothée as well.
I think [name_f]Albertine[/name_f] is out because of the English pronounciation.
I know a couple of Francophones with the name [name_m]Merc[/name_m]édès.
Immaculée is a family name

Thanks, a lot to think about from the [name_f]Ines[/name_f] you picked out

[name_m]Just[/name_m] [name_u]Claude[/name_u] would be on my girl list but DH won’t allow it.