Curiosity poll

See the results of this poll: Which poll for girl #2

Respondents: 81 (This poll is closed)

  • Carolina Jace : 65 (78%)
  • Monroe Laycie : 16 (19%)
  • Tenasi Laycee : 1 (1%)
  • MaKlain Lacie: 1 (1%)

[name]Carolina[/name], by a landslide. It’s sweet, sassy, formal and unpretentious. It’s uncommon but still sophisticated enough for a grown woman. And instead of [name]Jace[/name], why not use the somewhat whimsical [name]Lace[/name], in honor of your sister. [name]Carolina[/name] [name]Lace[/name] is sweet.

I don’t like this attempt to ‘feminize’ [name]Tennessee[/name] and [name]MacLean[/name]. [name]One[/name]'s a place and one’s a surname and as such they could be used for a boy or a girl equally. If you like the strong sounds and the unisex nature, then by all means, use the real words. If you feel a secret need to feminize-- perhaps use a standard girl’s name. Your little girl can handle the real name.

[name]Lacey[/name] is your sister’s name, and I would use that spelling. Poor Laycee or Laycie would be doomed to spelling her name out for everyone for the rest of her life.

[name]Lacey[/name] [name]MacLean[/name] has a great sound and flow-- no need to alter it!

Frankly, I know you’ve obviously put some thought and effort into it, but Tenasi looks illiterate, like you seriously can’t spell the state’s name. I pronounced it “ten-ass-y” in my head till I realized what you were getting at.

Misspelling names doesn’t make them unique, it just makes them misspelled. I went with [name]Carolina[/name] [name]Jace[/name] because everything else was misspelled. I love the suggestion [name]Carolina[/name] [name]Lace[/name].

@Blade and jersey_gray: Tenasi (also spelled Tanasi and iirc there are other spellings as well) is an Indian Village in TN, I believe this is where the word Tennessee comes from. I assume that’s what the OP means and not a feminization or misspelling of TN though I could be wrong.

I voted for [name]Carolina[/name] based on the first names only. I don’t care for the spelling of [name]Lacey[/name] in any of the combos. Changing [name]Jace[/name] to [name]Lace[/name] is a great suggestion and would be very cute! =]

PP is right with Tenasi. I Live in TN and have Cherokee roots. Tenasi/Tanasi is the Cherokee village that [name]Tennessee[/name] got its name from so I thought it was kind of cool to use the Cherokee spelling in honor of my heritage? But I can see how I might get that negative reaction.
As for MaKlain, I just don’t like the other spellings bc I feel they look and would be pronounced in a way other than the way I want it to be said. A woman at church gave her little girl this as a middle name and I liked the spelling so I thought I’d try it out

Oh also the reason for the alternative spelling of [name]Lacey[/name]: my twins name is [name]Lacey[/name] but my sister in law is [name]Lacy[/name] and I didn’t want to fight that battle

What an odd mix. I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Carolina[/name]. And they others are widly nms.

Well I voted for [name]Carolina[/name] because I think it’s the most classic, and the spelling isn’t a head-scratcher. Quite a lovely name. I’m not wild about [name]Jace[/name]. I think I prefer [name]Carolina[/name] [name]Lace[/name].
I must say though that I think [name]Tennessee[/name] is beautiful on a girl, and I’m intrigued by the Cherokee spelling Tenasi. I might have voted for Tenasi if the middle name weren’t Laycee. I’m not a fan of [name]Lacie[/name]/[name]Lacey[/name] to begin with, and especially not with such a dignified name as Tenasi. (No offense to your sister btw, just that Lacey means lace, right? Sort of similar to a name like Poppy or Rose - feminine and pretty, but not the strongest, imo.) With Tenasi, I might do another Native American name in the middle place:

Tenasi Galilahi (Cherokee for “beautiful” and the “lahi” part isn’t far from [name]Lacey[/name])
Tenasi [name]Tallulah[/name] (Choctaw for “leaping water”)
Tenasi Aylen (means “happiness” or “clear” in Mupachi. Aylen, alternately spelled Ayelen, makes me think of eyelet lace.)
Tenasi Maiara (means “wise” in Tupi)
Tenasi Naira (means “big eyes” in Quechua and Aymara)
Tenasi Zyanya (Pronounced “zee-ahn-yah” means “forever, always” in Zapotec)

I could go for Tenasi now that I know that’s what you meant.

I really like Tenasi, I think it’s really cool that you’d be honouring your heritage. I also completely understand the sister/sister-in-law dynamic and think coming up with an alternative spelling is a smart idea. Out of curiosity, though, what did you think of the suggestion of [name]Lace[/name]? Tenasi [name]Lace[/name] is really cute :slight_smile:

I love lace and I have suggested it in here myself but a lot of negative reactions about the word name made me avoid suggesting it this time lol