still working on [name]Mei[/name]-Ling’s first name… that’s all we’ve been talking about in our house for days and days…
and we’ve finally got it down to two…
our friends and family are all voting for [name]Dahlia[/name]… actually, no one really loved [name]Dahlia[/name], until i pointed out the nn [name]Lia[/name]… then everyone was completely on board… she definitely looks like a little [name]Lia[/name]!
i love [name]Dahlia[/name]… i adore [name]Dahlia[/name]… In fact, i could totally see myself calling her [name]Lia[/name]. I’m not a huge fan of [name]Anastasia[/name], but i adore the nn [name]Tansy[/name]…
[name]Tansy[/name] doesn’t seem to fit her as well.
Hubby won’t let go of [name]Anastasia[/name]. He thinks it’s perfect…
it’s a beautiful name… but i just don’t see her as an [name]Anastasia[/name].
She’s a [name]Dahlia[/name] to me…
these two names are so different… i don’t see how we’re ever going to agree…
someone help!!
***to the person who suggested that we just leave her name as [name]Mei[/name]-Ling… we agree that it’s a very VERY beautiful name and we had considered leaving it as is, but giving your child a name is one of your basic rights as a parent and we wanted to give her a name that we chose. We opted to keep the name her birth mother gave her as a tribute to her heritage and as an honor to her birth mom…
but she’s our daughter and we want to choose her first name!
…does that seem selfish? i hope not…
While I think that you can’t really go wrong w either choice, I personally prefer [name]Anastacia[/name]. I don’t love [name]Tansy[/name] for a nn though, butbthats totally your call. I like [name]Anna[/name] or [name]Anni[/name] though!
From the (very gorgeous) picture, I can totally see her as [name]Dahlia[/name] right now. However, I can also see her growing into an [name]Anastasia[/name] as she gets older. To me, it’s a very regal name, and she is a beautiful girl. I can see her growing up into a beautiful woman befitting of the name [name]Anastasia[/name].
They are both beautiful names- two of my favourites! [name]Dahlia[/name] is feminine, fresh and sits beautifully with [name]Mei[/name]- Ling. [name]Anastasia[/name] is very elegant and regal. I think [name]Dahlia[/name] flows better with her mn. Perhaps you will have to have a second daughter to use the other name
Is there a picture of her? Would love to have a little peek!
She doesn’t look like a [name]Tansy[/name] at all, and she didn’t quite look like an [name]Anastasia[/name]. She looked like an [name]Annie[/name]. If you don’t want to use the nickname [name]Annie[/name], which suits her, don’t use [name]Anastasia[/name].
She really looks like a [name]Lia[/name] - not totally a [name]Dahlia[/name] - but definitely a [name]Lia[/name]. Go for it!
I love [name]Dahlia[/name] [name]Mei[/name]-Ling so much, especially with the [name]Lia[/name] nickname. It’s both sweet and elegant to me, and I love its flow with [name]Mei[/name]-Ling. I think that [name]Dahlia[/name] suits her perfectly–sweet, charming, and beautiful.
I really love [name]Dahlia[/name] [name]Mei[/name]-Ling. [name]Dahlia[/name] is so pretty and fun-- it has a certain charm that [name]Anastasia[/name] just doesn’t have for me. I would be really excited to come across a baby [name]Dahlia[/name]!
I was reading your post and thought, “well, sounds like you’ve already made your decision, fabulous, [name]Dahlia[/name] it is!” until I got to the part about your husband still clinging to [name]Anastasia[/name] Seems like it’s less a question of “which name is better?” at this point and more a question of “how to decide whose favorite wins out?” This compromising part is always so hard, but I think you have a point in your favor with all the friend/family enthusiasm for [name]Dahlia[/name]/[name]Lia[/name], so you might want to work that angle as much as possible.
I have a slight preference for [name]Anastasia[/name]/[name]Tansy[/name], but both names are gorgeous!
I prefer [name]Anastasia[/name] and think [name]Tansy[/name] is adorable. but [name]Dahlia[/name] is adorable too. I honestly dont think you can go wrong