[name_m]How[/name_m] are you pronouncing [name_f]Dahlia[/name_f]?
Dahl-yuh (Dahl rhymes with all, sounds like doll and yuh rhymes with duh- 2 syllables)
Dahl-ee-uh (same 1st syllable, long E 2nd syllable, uh rhymes with duh- 3 syllables or some other way?
I pronounce it Dahl-ee-uh. My [name_f]MIL[/name_f] pronounces it Dahl-yuh though.
second way :)… except I pronounce the “dal” like “al” as in alex…
I say [name_m]DOLL[/name_m]-ee-ah. But I know many people who say [name_m]DAL[/name_m]-ya (rhymes with the first syllable of [name_f]Alice[/name_f]) or [name_m]DAL[/name_m]-ee-ah, and a few [name_m]DOLL[/name_m]-ya.
Two ways:
DAH-lee-a (dah = like a sigh, almost like ‘ar’, a = short like cat)
[name_u]DAY[/name_u]-lee-a (a = short like cat)
I say [name_u]DAY[/name_u]-lee-ah, no idea if this is correct though
I catch myself saying it both like doll-ya and dale-ee-a, emphasis on the first syllable in both. However I’d just as likely say dale-ee-a ‘should’ then be spelled [name_f]Delia[/name_f], so doll-ya sounds more right in my mind.
=maybe it is just my accent but Dahl and doll sound the same!
I say it this way:
Dahl-yuh (Dahl rhymes with all, sounds like doll and yuh rhymes with duh- 2 syllables)
I say Dahl-ee-uh
Dahl-ee-uh is most like how I pronounce the name.
Thank you berries! I was considering it for a MN for new baby but not FN because my daughter is [name_f]Lily[/name_f]. BUT…I think there’s just too much variation in pronunciation like I feared so I’ll probably pass.
I think [name_f]Dahlia[/name_f] will get quite different pronunciations depending on accent (i.e. location).
I’m Australian, and ‘doll’ and ‘all’ don’t have the same vowel sound at all, here! ‘[name_m]Doll[/name_m]’ has a short sound, like frog. ‘All’ has a long sound, like crawl.
That said, I only ever hear [name_f]Dahlia[/name_f] pronounced ‘Dahl-yuh’ or ‘Dahl-ee-uh’. The ‘dah’ part is like the first syllable of ‘darling’.
I think most -ia ending names have this same pronunciation differences, and how it’s said depends on someone’s accent.
Especially as a middle name, it’ll be pronounced however you’d like it to be! Middles aren’t used very often at all, and most times they are spoken rather than written anyways.
(And, just for the record… I break it into three syllables - DAHL-ee-uh)
I say DAH-[name_u]LEE[/name_u]-ah or DAHL-yah.