Dealing with Name Regret

It’s been about a month since my daughter was born and I still regret the name we chose. We decided on [name]Clarissa[/name] [name]Marie[/name]. [name]Clarissa[/name] was a compromise between me and my husband because he wanted to call her [name]Claire[/name] and I had originally chosen the name [name]Arissa[/name]. [name]Marie[/name] is my middle name and my mom’s. I feel like I chose it because my mom was pushing for it. So the entire name isn’t my favorite and I can’t find a nickname that I can pull from it. Has anyone had this issue? [name]How[/name] did you deal with it?

I’m so sorry you are dealing with this. :frowning: I haven’t gone through it personally, but it’s kind of my worst nightmare regarding names. What about [name]Ari[/name]? I know you were considering that while you were still pregnant. I think [name]Ari[/name] is totally usable and very sweet.

I still love the name [name]Ari[/name] but it doesn’t quite fit her. Plus, I would pronounce it differently then it sounds in her name.

Couldn’t you just call her [name]Arissa[/name]? Or does it not suit her?

I have dealt with the feeling of picking a name with unforeseen pronunciation issues, but I do love it so I am just dealing with it!
Part of me feels like I got obsessed with names because I want to pick my next child’s name before I’m pregnant & stricken with pregnancy brain!
I think [name]Clarissa[/name] [name]Marie[/name] is cute & nn could be [name]Clara[/name] or [name]Clari[/name] or [name]Risa[/name], [name]Reese[/name] might be a stretch, but why not? Maybe even [name]Aria[/name]?

I like the suggestion of [name]Aria[/name]. I love that name.

I love [name]Clarissa[/name]; it’s got a great literary history and flows so prettily! Taz had a lot of great suggestions. I think it’s ok to stretch or slightly alter the sounds of [name]Clarissa[/name] to get a name you like. What about [name]Issa[/name] (prn EE-ssa)?

[name]Aria[/name] is cute! I know I had a lot of people suggest [name]Aria[/name] when we were brainstorming names. I though of [name]Clari[/name]/[name]Clary[/name] and [name]Risa[/name]/[name]Rissa[/name] but they just did fit. [name]One[/name] thing that did pop into my head after I posted this was [name]Laci[/name]. I used to work with a girl named [name]Larissa[/name] and she went by [name]Lacy[/name]. I didn’t particular like her and she wasn’t the nicest person, which is the downfall. However, [name]Cadie[/name] and [name]Laci[/name] sound cute as a nickname sibset.

I’m sorry that you’re feeling this way, but if it helps, I love the name you chose and also how you picked it. I like [name]Marie[/name], especially with the family connection. I think you did a wonderful job. [name]Hope[/name] this helps.

I love [name]Clarissa[/name] [name]Marie[/name]! It’s a beautiful choice!
[name]Clarissa[/name] is uncommon and has a beautiful meaning (means bright, clear).
I like [name]Clarissa[/name] [name]Marie[/name] FAR more than [name]Aria[/name] - which is on the fast track to become very popular (went from 353 to 157 in one year).
I think you should give it some time!

i did and we changed it. not sure if it was hormones or what but i really regretted it. i am sorry you are going through this, its the worst. i think a nickname will come, i wouldn’t worry about that but if you really don’t like it in the full form then try not to killyourself too much over it and just make a decision if you can be happy with it or need to change. i think name remorse/people changing their infants name is a little more common than you might imagine.

I love [name]Lacey[/name] as a nn for [name]Clarissa[/name]. I think it works! [name]Lissa[/name] or [name]Lissie[/name] could work too.
Cee [name]Marie[/name]

There are so many options of names you could call her.

I don’t know what to say, sorry :frowning: except tha I adore [name]Clarissa[/name]. I really, really do.

Thanks everyone. I know [name]Clarissa[/name] has a lot of positive reviews. :slight_smile: I like it but it wouldn’t have been a name I would chose personally. It has been only a month. Maybe it will grow on me. I like [name]Laci[/name] as a nickname though.

i love it as well. it sounds so classic! i would call her arissa for short and call it a day. keeper!!