Deborah or Debbie?

I want [name_f]Deborah[/name_f] and my partner wants [name_f]Debbie[/name_f] as the full name.

What should i do? what should we do?

I prefer [name_f]Deborah[/name_f]. [name_f]Debbie[/name_f] is a great nickname though :slight_smile:

I vote put deborah on the birth certificate. She can be called [name_f]Debbie[/name_f]. Better to have options.

[name_f]Deborah[/name_f] nn [name_f]Debbie[/name_f] definitely.

Ditto. [name_f]Deborah[/name_f] “[name_f]Debbie[/name_f]” is the way.

I would go with either my doctor is a just [name_f]Debbie[/name_f] and while I prefer [name_f]Deborah[/name_f] theres nothing wrong with a nickname on the birth certificate

I agree with this.