Deciding on the 3rd baby name -- shortlist down to 3

We have 2 sons – one named [name_u]Noah[/name_u] and the other with a biblical name that starts with S. We are currently working on naming our third baby, who is a girl! I thought naming boys was hard, but naming girls seems to be even harder! We started with a list of about 15 names that neither of us hated, and we have whittled it down slowly to three. I am constantly looking for other options, but DH invariably says no to anything that is not relatively conventional. Middle and last names are family names, MN: a 2 syllable Hispanic name ending in O, LN: a 1-syllable [name_m]German[/name_m] name similar to Schultz. Ideally, name would be easy to pronounce in English and Spanish (we are a cross cultural family, so some family speaks only English, and other half only Spanish) and not too hard to spell.

Our top 3:

[name_f]Susannah[/name_f] - I like this, it is biblical, goes well with biblical siblings. I don’t love the nicknames. I can’t really imagine calling out “[name_f]Susie[/name_f]” around my house, and have tried “[name_f]Sanna[/name_f]” , “[name_u]Sunny[/name_u]” and even “[name_f]Sookie[/name_f]” as well, but they don’t feel right. I don’t really like “[name_f]Zuzu[/name_f]” or “[name_f]Zuzie[/name_f]” and definitely don’t want to go to “[name_f]Susan[/name_f]” (just too date-stamped). The best it has going for it is flow with the siblings, plus it is a well-known, and wouldn’t cause too much confusion.

[name_f]Rosanna[/name_f]/[name_f]Rosana[/name_f] - DH is a big fan, it has grown on me. [name_f]Love[/name_f] the nickname [name_f]Rosie[/name_f], and also the name [name_f]Anna[/name_f]. Our two sons picked [name_f]Rosie[/name_f] and [name_f]Anna[/name_f] for baby, respectively, and it’s cute to hear them say it. I had a slight negative first reaction to the name, but again, it has grown on me. I imagine seeing a baby and calling it [name_f]Rosanna[/name_f] would quickly nullify any negative associations I may have with the name (just imagining that scenario is helping me like it more). Best things going for it: nicknames and that it incorporates sibling picks.

[name_f]Violetta[/name_f]/[name_f]Violeta[/name_f] (pronounced vee-oh-LEH-ta) - I love this name. It is the one I have the most affection for. I like nicknames [name_f]Vi[/name_f], Vio, and [name_f]Violet[/name_f]. I can hear myself calling this name around the house. The English version of the name is easily pronounceable in English, but the Spanish version is less pronounceable. DH is concerned that many people would first say “vie” instead of “vee”, and a quick poll on babycenter’s website suggests that’s probably true about a third of the time or more. He thinks he doesn’t want to deal with that. But I have affection for it. Another con on this name is the Disney series in Latin [name_u]America[/name_u] by the same name (just google it if you are curious). But, I think that is a passing fad. Best thing going for this name: nicknames and affection.

DH likes the first two about the same, and [name_f]Violetta[/name_f] a distant 3rd.

So, how do we decide??? Any ideas/thoughts/suggestions on how to decide? (We got to our shortlist after an exhaustive review of names, so unlikely anything new will sway us at this point)

I think [name_f]Susannah[/name_f] is a good choice. It works in English and spanish.
I am not a huge fan of [name_f]Rosanna[/name_f] but I am huge fan of other rose names:
[name_f]Rosalie[/name_f](I have heard this pronounced in Spanish, and it sounds pretty)/[name_f]Rosalia[/name_f]
[name_f]Violetta[/name_f]- I don’t think pronunciation will be that big of a deal. And also I wouldn’t worry too much about the Disney show, I don’t think [name_f]Violetta[/name_f] will become too popular.

With your abrupt [name_m]German[/name_m] one-syllable “S” surname, I think [name_f]Violetta[/name_f] would be the best option from your list. [name_f]Susanna[/name_f] and [name_f]Rosanna[/name_f] may sound a bit lispy with the s’s next to your last name. A longer and feminine first name would be ideal.

Other Suggestions


[name_f]Rosanna[/name_f] seems like the best compromise. You and your husband both like the name and the nicknames, and it’s cute that it incorporates her brothers’ picks as well. I’m a big [name_f]Susannah[/name_f] and [name_f]Violetta[/name_f] fan, too, but I feel like [name_f]Rosanna[/name_f] works well.

I won’t bombard you with more suggestions, except one - have you thought of [name_f]Rosetta[/name_f]? It incorporates elements of both [name_f]Rosanna[/name_f] and [name_f]Violetta[/name_f], and you can still use [name_f]Rosie[/name_f] (or [name_f]Etta[/name_f]).

I think [name_f]Susannah[/name_f] is gorgeous! I was going to suggest [name_f]Anna[/name_f] or [name_f]Ana[/name_f].

I personally like [name_f]Violetta[/name_f] the most!
For [name_f]Susannah[/name_f], you can use the nn [name_f]Anna[/name_f] that you liked with [name_f]Rosanna[/name_f]'s name. I don’t like the names [name_f]Susannah[/name_f] or [name_f]Rosanna[/name_f], so for me, [name_f]Violetta[/name_f] (I pronounce it the way you do. Never heard it the other way), is in first with a big lead!

Thank you all for your thoughts!! This is very helpful, and [name_u]Mischa[/name_u], you completely pegged it! Several of those names are cousins’ names or names that we have seriously considered! Maybe some of them warrant reconsideration.


[name_f]Susannah[/name_f] would be perfect.

[name_f]Violetta[/name_f] is so beautiful! If pronunciation is an issue, a short, sweet name might help–[name_f]Maya[/name_f], [name_f]Gia[/name_f], [name_f]Lyra[/name_f], [name_f]Aria[/name_f], [name_f]Cassia[/name_f], [name_f]Vita[/name_f], [name_f]Lita[/name_f], [name_f]Mila[/name_f], [name_f]Isolda[/name_f]…so many lovely options!

[name_f]Violetta[/name_f] - so beautiful!! :slight_smile: I automatically read it as VEE, while I automatically read [name_f]Violet[/name_f] as VIE. I can’t imagine it will be a problem, especially not for Spanish speakers? I’m sure some people will get it wrong but the majority of people she spends most of her time with (family, school, sports, work!) could be quickly taught the correct pronunciation.

[name_f]Violetta[/name_f]! [name_f]Violetta[/name_f]! [name_f]Violetta[/name_f]! I’m saying it out loud and I love it! (I’ve stopped short of calling it out across the house!!)

Edited for privacy.

Oh, and [name_f]Vanessa[/name_f]! You could still use [name_f]Annie[/name_f] as a nickname with that!

Thanks for the suggestion – when we saw that name previously, DH said, “As in [name_f]Rosetta[/name_f] stone?” And that was about all the consideration it got.

So I’m definitely happy to see the [name_f]Violetta[/name_f] votes here, and not surprised to see the [name_f]Susannah[/name_f] ones! I’m not surprised that I am not the only one who says [name_f]Rosanna[/name_f] is kindof the least liked of the various [name_f]Rose[/name_f]-names. I really like [name_f]Rosalie[/name_f] better myself, but DH doesn’t like it. And yes, [name_f]Rosanna[/name_f] definitely sounds like the compromise name. Honestly, that’s how we ended up with DS2’s name – I don’t love it, but it’s okay and it’s nice to have a less commonly used name. I’m sure whatever we use will grow on me. Ultimately, I guess if I truly love [name_f]Violetta[/name_f], I can insist, and DH will eventually go for it, since it’s on the short list. But maybe I can grow to love the others – I didn’t love [name_f]Violetta[/name_f] when it was first on the list either.

Saracita, thanks for the suggestions. As for [name_f]Roxanne[/name_f], that one I do have a distaste for, and [name_f]Scarlett[/name_f] is a close friend of DS1’s so we probably can’t use that either. We had [name_f]Vivianna[/name_f] on our list for a while, but I think the double V is a bit much. Neither DH nor I like the other V names (mostly due to associations with people we have known).

I’ve always had a strong dislike for the name [name_f]Susannah[/name_f]. I keep imagining it as some redneck middle age lady. It just forms a negative picture.
[name_f]Violetta[/name_f] is so adorable!! This is my top pick out of the three.
I like [name_f]Rosanna[/name_f] more than [name_f]Susannah[/name_f], it’s a cute name.
Personally, I prefer [name_f]Violetta[/name_f]

They are all lovely names! [name_f]Susannah[/name_f] is sweet and not very common, but I can see why you are concerned about the nickname. [name_f]Rosanna[/name_f] is beautiful, and the nickname [name_f]Rosie[/name_f] works well, but I am biased because my name is [name_f]Rosie[/name_f] :stuck_out_tongue: [name_f]Violet[/name_f] is gorgeous, but I think its going to become more common. [name_m]How[/name_m] about [name_f]Rosanna[/name_f] [name_f]Violet[/name_f]?

The suggestion of [name_f]Rosetta[/name_f] was a good one, its a really pretty name!

What about [name_f]Susannah[/name_f] (still biblical) nn [name_f]Anna[/name_f]?

I agree with rgp19! [name_f]Rosalie[/name_f]/ [name_f]Rosalia[/name_f] is so pretty! and it is used in Spanish speaking homes :slight_smile:

Thanks again for the comments! DH basically will not consider anything else, definitely no other long names that can be shortened to [name_f]Rosie[/name_f] :(.

We tried on the name [name_f]Susannah[/name_f] (imagining that’s our decision) for a few days and have decided to try on the name [name_f]Rosanna[/name_f] next. The boys are definitely tied to their chosen names at this point so we may well end up using it!!

Oh, and yes, nickname Anna for Susanna or Rosanna is definitely on the table…I’ll have to remind DH! Also, someone said we could even just use nn Rosi for Susanna since the Hebrew word from which Susannah is derived also means Rose (in modern Hebrew). But, DH doesn’t like just plain Anna/Ana.

Oh, one more point – DH really likes Amelia. I am not a fan – I do love the way it is pronounced in Spanish (ah-MEH-lia), but it would be a constant battle to get people to say it that way in the US and I’m not up for that! But if anyone knows a way to get a name that sounds like ah-MEH-lia, let me know! And of course, DH has already rejected Amelie.

[name_f]Amalia[/name_f]? I know that’s not the same pronunciation, but just wondering if you like that any better/if he likes it.