[name]Berry[/name] from [name]London[/name] is looking for help!
I’m proud mom of [name]Zelda[/name] [name]Astrid[/name], age 2 (we wanted to name her [name]Zelda[/name] [name]Adele[/name], but singer’s popularity caused some kind of fling - little Adeles were everywhere. And something was wrong with this double [name]EL[/name], even if they are pronounced different). My husband is great lover of F. [name]Scott[/name] [name]Fitzgerald[/name]'s writing - [name]Zelda[/name] was obvious choice for us;).
Now were waiting for a boy, due in 2 weeks (ha-ha. [name]Zelda[/name] was for 100% sure a boy, doctors said. If my children share the sense of humor, I will have one more daughter).
After a couple of sleepless nights we narrowed down our list to:
We don’t have ANY IDEA of middle name. Something scandinavian once again? Well welcomed, my husband is [name]Dane[/name]. His gfathers were [name]Mads[/name] and [name]Leif[/name].
All the opinions would be greatly appreciated. All the new ideas - too, maybe that will be you to name our son, who knows:)?
[name]Hugo[/name] and [name]Huxley[/name] are my favorites with [name]Zelda[/name].
I really like [name]Hugo[/name] [name]Salinger[/name] and [name]Huxley[/name] [name]Atticus[/name]. However, if you want to go with something Scandinavian for a nn, I like [name]Hugo[/name] [name]Lars[/name] and [name]Huxley[/name] [name]Anders[/name].
Other ideas: [name]Rudyard[/name] [name]Leif[/name], [name]Bram[/name] Pontus, [name]Tennyson[/name] [name]Dane[/name], [name]Whitman[/name] [name]Mads[/name].
Personally I think [name]Huxley[/name] and [name]Salinger[/name] are a little too strongly associated with their famous bearers. Hux and [name]Sal[/name] are cool nicknames, and they go well with [name]Zelda[/name] - albeit creating a strong theme for future children - but expect to get a lot of comments on the names. I think all the other choices are flawless, and even if you do choose the more “out there” [name]Salinger[/name] or [name]Huxley[/name], they’re still very nice names
[name]Atticus[/name] or [name]Magnus[/name] would be my top choices for [name]Zelda[/name]'s sibling.
Unwittingly, I caused some confusion. My dear husband isn’t named [name]Dane[/name], he is [name]Dane[/name] - comes from Denmark:D. And his name is [name]Viggo[/name]. But you suggested me an idea surely worth consideration this way - maybe is [name]Dane[/name] as a mn a good and simple way to honor scandinavian gfathers?
Oh, what I wanted to add writing this post our last name starts with M and ends with -sen, like actors’ [name]Viggo[/name] Mortensen and [name]Mads[/name] Mikkelsen.
[name]Hugo[/name] would be gorgeous with [name]Zelda[/name]. My next choice would be the spunky [name]Gideon[/name]. [name]Salinger[/name], [name]Huxley[/name] and [name]Atticus[/name] would be too “literary” for my taste when you already have an F. [name]Scott[/name] [name]Fitzgerald[/name]-inspired older daughter. I’m not sure if [name]Magnus[/name] would be ideal for a fn when your “M” surname ends in a “sen”.
Hands down, I like [name]Hugo[/name] best with [name]Zelda[/name]. I think [name]Hugo[/name] and [name]Zelda[/name] are perfectly balanced together.
What about [name]Hugo[/name] [name]Arvid[/name] as a combo? (I love [name]Arvid[/name] for its Scandinavian flare, its unusualness, and its easy pronounciation!)
[name]Zelda[/name] [name]Astrid[/name] is about the cutest name ever! I love [name]Hugo[/name] and [name]Magnus[/name] from your list, I think they would be great with [name]Zelda[/name]. [name]Atticus[/name] and [name]Gideon[/name] too. I’m not over the moon crazy about [name]Salinger[/name] and [name]Huxley[/name], as pp said, it’s very obvious names (they also feel quite American) and might be seen as quite pretentious here.
I like [name]Atticus[/name] [name]Mads[/name] and [name]Hugo[/name] [name]Mads[/name] the most.
Other Danish names: Villads, [name]Mikkel[/name], [name]Aksel[/name], [name]Jesper[/name].
(I also think [name]Silas[/name], [name]Edgar[/name], [name]Bertram[/name] and [name]Ronald[/name] are fantastic with [name]Zelda[/name]!)
I think [name]Zelda[/name] and [name]Hugo[/name] go the best together but I also really like [name]Magnus[/name] and [name]Gideon[/name]. I have always love the Scandinavian names [name]Egor[/name] and [name]Egon[/name]. [name]Egor[/name] means warrior archer and [name]Egon[/name] means little fire.
I love [name]Magnus[/name] with [name]Zelda[/name], both are such evocative names! [name]Atticus[/name], [name]Huxley[/name] and [name]Salinger[/name] are a bit too obviously literary. [name]Hugo[/name] is nice, and I have no problem with [name]Gideon[/name], but they are perhaps a little dull when compared to [name]Zelda[/name]. [name]Magnus[/name] [name]Leif[/name] would be charming.
Thanks for all your replies|! You’re wonderful. Well, summarizing your comments, it seems you share my doubts. You noticed shortcomings in the same names which we evaluatedas ‘weaker’.
[name]Magnus[/name] - we love it, but [name]Magnus[/name] with M…sen surname is risky idea, I must agree
[name]Gideon[/name] - we discussed this double n-ending and had some doubts too. But we still like it. Still, isn’t it to weak compared to [name]Zelda[/name]?
[name]Salinger[/name] - ranks the last place on our list due to some kind of weakness. I feel it does not stand in one row with [name]Zelda[/name]. But husband likes it.
I have to explain - my hubby is professor of contemporary literature;). It was really a hard battle to throw tons of other literary names from our list;).
I just had a lovely long Skype conversation with my in-laws, who were very happy to hear an idea of scandinavian middle name. They added some more options: [name]Soren[/name], [name]Henning[/name], [name]Eero[/name] and [name]Stellan[/name]. And my father-in-law’s name is [name]Roald[/name], which I also find great.
Oh, and I just received a message from my hubby saying ‘[name]Nolan[/name]?. Sawyer??’ What do you think?
My favorites are [name]Atticus[/name] and [name]Hugo[/name]. [name]Both[/name] sound great with [name]Zelda[/name]! Good luck! I like [name]Atticus[/name] [name]Viggo[/name] as a combo or [name]Hugo[/name] [name]Leif[/name].