
I don’t usually like unisex names, but I love [name]Devin[/name] for a girl. Any opinions?

It feels a bit too masculine for a girl… but i have had a class mate at school named [name]Devin[/name] who is a girl, and she suited it. So i guess it could work :slight_smile:

I love it too but whenever I’ve posted about it it’s gotten trashed. Devorrah was suggested but it does nothing for me

[name]Devin[/name] is the one I love. [name]Devon[/name] is ok. The rest I dislike.

I like it on a boy too. I am not usually into boys names on girls but this & [name]Shawn[/name] I like.

I’ve only ever met two Devins (or was it spelled [name]Devon[/name]?), and both were girls. I think it’s fun and playful on a girl. It’s tomboyish, without being OVERLY masculine. I think it would sound a bit weak on a boy, but is perfect for a spitfire of a girl. The one little [name]Devin[/name] that I knew was a a toddler, and her parents called her “[name]Devin[/name] from [name]Heaven[/name].” :slight_smile:

aww that’s adorable!

I forgot I have a relative (boy) named [name]Devin[/name]. hmmm. I haven’t seen him in about 10 years but I am with his grandmother (my great-aunt) all the time. I won’t be having children for a while, but I wonder if that would be awkward.

I actually like [name]Devin[/name] for a girl. I think it is nice.

These two names have different origins. [name]Devin[/name] is a Gaelic name meaning “poet”. It’s also a Hindu name as well as a place name. [name]Devon[/name] is a county in [name]England[/name]. Personally, the spellings [name]Devyn[/name] and Devenne shouldn’t even be considered as options. I prefer the Irish [name]Devin[/name] for a boy.

I’d be devo if I were named [name]Devin[/name] (sorry). I think there are much nicer names out there.

I really, really dislike it on a girl.

It’s a very pretty sound. Like mischa, I would only consider Irish [name]Devin[/name] (which is historically a male name) or [name]Devon[/name], like the County.

Me too! I love the nn [name]Dev[/name]. It sounds so cool! For something a bit more feminine, I quite like the name Devaney. I saw it once in a magazine and I would guess that it is pronounced [name]Devin[/name]-ee.

I know [name]Devon[/name] boys and a [name]Devin[/name] girl. I see it more for a boy but it is deff unisex! I like [name]Emery[/name] and [name]Avery[/name] as girl unisex names better.

To me this is all boy. I know it’s considered a unisex name, but until I read that online I never thought of it as unisex. I’ve known several males named [name]Devin[/name] (ranging from 2 to 35 years old), never met a female with it.

I knew a girl [name]Devon[/name]. I think I prefer this spelling for a girl.